God has always dealt with his people through the covenant, yet covenant theology from a Baptist perspective is a teaching that is all too often neglected. Many Baptists don't know why they are Baptist. If questioned they are most likely to respond by alluding to the mode of baptism rather than its underlying theology. This book is easily accessible, providing the reader with a clear understanding of the historical Baptist position. The work points out the errors inherent in the Reformed paedobaptist paradigm, and seeks to show that the only covenant of grace is the new covenant in Christ.
“The new covenant is essentially the outworking, or the putting into operation of that arrangement or covenant that was made between the three persons of the Godhead before the foundation of the world. Theologians have chosen to call this the covenant of redemption because it concerns decisions that took place between the persons of the Trinity for the accomplishment of man’s redemption.” (source)
“the way of salvation does not change. The goal of these covenants is to encourage” (source)
“Carl Trueman, ‘where one can deny that God knows the future, one can deny that the Bible is inspired, one can deny that justification is by grace through faith, one can deny that Christ is the only way of salvation-one can do all these things and still remain a member in good standing of certain high-profile evangelical bodies.’8 Many evangelicals are more likely to listen to the unbiblical theology of men like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland than sit under a ministry where the Word is systematically expounded. They proudly display a false theology with stickers saying, ‘smile Jesus loves you,’ or ‘give your heart to Jesus’ and all too many church ministers preach ‘peace, peace, when there is no peace’ (Jer 8:11).” (source)
“All other covenants—for example, those made with Noah, Abraham and David etc.—are subsidiary and are concerned with the application of the blessings that Christ secured in the second, or new, covenant.” (source)
“Understanding this backward reaching efficacy of the new covenant, as we will see, lies at the heart of Baptist covenant theology.” (source)
“This book is a welcomed addition to the increase of literature
on covenant theology from a Baptist perspective. Griffiths argues
that one is either in Adam or in Christ, there being no middle
ground, and to be in Christ (prior to or after the fact of the
cross) is to be a recipient of what our Lord both secured and
delivers by virtue of the new covenant. The discussion is informed
and worth the time to read and ponder.”
—Richard C. Barcellos, Pastor, Grace Reformed Baptist Church,
Palmdale, CA; Author, The Lord’s Supper as a Means of
Grace: More than a Memory
“In this book, Griffiths presents a persuasive argument
for a Reformed Baptist understanding of covenant theology. Anyone
recognizing the fundamental value of covenant theology will benefit
from this edifying work. I warmly recommend it as a very
important resource, especially to Reformed Baptist believers.
Readers of other persuasions will find much to think through and
hopefully will be convinced by the accuracy of the view put forth
in these pages.”
—Pascal Denault, Author, The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant
"What is a covenant? Why are there two testaments? How does
the old relate to the new? Who are the children of Abraham?
Who is Israel, and what is the Church? The biblical
answers to such questions are vital in seeing the overarching
storyline of Scripture, but perhaps more importantly, the
answers to these questions reveal the very nature of those who
have been redeemed by God. This is why I am so thankful
for this book. Phillip Griffiths has done a phenomenal job of
answering these questions in offering an explanation and
defence of covenant theology from a Baptist
perspective. The genius of this book is discovered in how easy
Griffiths’ argument is to follow without the complexity
of the subject being compromised. I love this book, and I am eager
to recommend it to everyone."
Jeffrey Johnston
Author of The Fatal Flaw.