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Products>Zondervan Practical Theology Collection (4 vols.)

Zondervan Practical Theology Collection (4 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $98.96
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The Zondervan Practical Theology Collection presents contemporary insights to key Christian disciplines. In four volumes, the collection examines Christian spirituality, worship, and the purpose of preaching the Word of God. Dictionary of Christian Spirituality analyzes a wide range of topics relating to spirituality including the origins, development, and contemporary expressions, as well as key concepts and concerns. Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven addresses various perspectives on the discipline of worship and gives practical insights on how to worship. Two additional volumes are on the subject of preaching. They study the purpose of preaching and the importance of communicating the gospel message so that pastors may effectively speak to their congregations on God’s behalf. Whether you are a pastor or layperson, each volume in the Zondervan Practical Theology Collection provides you personal ways to grow in your walk with God and practical ways to positively share God’s Word with others, regardless of the circumstances.

Please note that this collection is available as part of the Zondervan Bible Reference Bundle 3 (63 vols.).

Resource Experts
  • Studies in the subjects of spirituality, worship, and preaching
  • Provides a biblical, contemporary, and relevant analysis on each subject
  • Perfect for the pastor and layperson alike
  • Title: Zondervan Practical Theology Collection
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Volumes: 4
  • Pages: 1,604

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Dictionary of Christian Spirituality

  • Editor: Glen G. Scorgie
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 864

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In recent decades Christian spirituality, spiritual formation, and spiritual theology have become important concepts in the global evangelical community. Consequently, an accessible and reliable academic resource is needed on these topics—one that will offer a discerning orientation to the wealth of ecumenical resources available while still highlighting the distinct heritage and affirming the core grace-centered values of classic evangelical spirituality.

The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality reflects an overarching interpretive framework for evangelical spiritual formation: a holistic and grace-filled spirituality that encompasses relational (connecting), transformational (becoming), and vocational (doing) dynamics. At the same time, contributors respectfully acknowledge the differences between Reformed, Holiness, and Pentecostal paradigms of the spiritual life. And, by bringing together writers from around the world who share a common orthodoxy, this reference work is truly global and international in both its topical scope and contributors.

Entries give appropriate attention to concepts, concerns, and formative figures in the evangelical tradition of spirituality that other reference works neglect. They offer a discerning orientation to the wealth of ecumenical resources available, exploring the similarities and differences between Christianity and alternate spiritualities without lapsing into relativism. The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality is a resource that covers a wide range of topics relating to Christian spirituality and is biblically engaged, accessible, and relevant for all contemporary Christians.

The very publication of this work speaks to the contemporary interest in spirituality. So much spirituality, however, is uninformed, shallow, and vague. All the more reason to welcome this important dictionary. It is impressive in its scope, wide in what is included, and deep in the intent to strengthen life in the Spirit of Christ. Scan a few entries, and it will be evident what a valuable resource this can be.

—Leighton Ford, President, Leighton Ford Ministries

The combination of substantial reflective essays on major themes in Christian spirituality and sharply focused articles on major figures and topics provides a rich mixture of insight, information, and inspiration. ‘Spirituality’ can be a subject that wafts into the ether, but in this broadly ecumenical and very well-balanced work, it is presented with real substance and genuine edification.

—Mark A. Noll, Professor of History, University of Notre Dame

The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality is a well-researched, comprehensive study of Christian spirituality from a broad evangelical perspective. . . . I give the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality my highest recommendation.

—Richard J. Foster, Professor of Theology, Friends University

Engaging, comprehensive, informative, broad in perspective. Who thinks it is fun to read a dictionary? This one is! This is a dictionary to be read for enjoyment as well as information. The essays and articles are freshly written, thorough but concise. The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality reflects the deep respect and appreciation the writers have for their topics. Reading this dictionary is like taking a finely tuned course in the topics included. . . . I was fascinated and drawn from article to article . . . appreciating the fine scholarship, depth of research reflected, and careful writing that make the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality an excellent resource.

—Jeannette A. Bakke, Faculty Associate, Bethel Theological Seminary

This is not the only dictionary about Christian spirituality in town. There are many around and some of them are very good. But this one, with its global interests and spiritual zeal, has an energy and breadth that lifts it into a new league. Moreover, as well as making a very good job of expanding our knowledge of Christian spirituality and all the sources that have shaped it, this important volume steers the reader through the people, movements, and issues with a reliable, generous, and grace-focused wisdom. It is a source not just of information about Christian spirituality but of real formation, through the Spirit, in the life of Christ.

—Christopher Cocksworth, Bishop of Coventry, Church of England

The more I read in the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality, the more I wanted to read more! The initial essays provide a thoroughly excellent foundation, and the alphabetized entries that follow leave us intrigued to read others. I highly recommend this dictionary for all Christians, especially those who want to grow in their active practices of various spiritual disciplines, their devoted love for God and neighbor, and their fervent thanksgiving for global saints and the myriad ways God works in the world.

—Marva J. Dawn, Teaching Fellow in Spiritual Theology, Regent College

Scholarship with a soul! This is a book like no other—scholarly breadth with spiritual depth in a dictionary. So many have written so much about Christian spirituality that it is difficult to connect the parts. Here is a readable resource that brings everything together. I kept turning the pages . . . not to read through, but to explore. Every article led me to another journey on a different page.

—Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals

The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality is a remarkable balance of broad, integrative essays and more than 700 succinct, informative dictionary entries. It combines a wide survey of the great movements in Christian spirituality while giving attention to the main contributors from all parts of the globe, past and present. The contributors include some of the great heavyweights of the movement while also incorporating significant voices from a variety of related disciplines and perspectives. The work is a must-have resource for every able scholar, pastor, and follower of Jesus.

—Gayle D. Beebe, President, Westmont College

Glen G. Scorgie (PhD, St. Andrews) is Professor of Theology at Bethel Seminary San Diego since 1996. Previously he was Academic Vice-President of North American Baptist College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and is a past president of the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association. For the past decade he has also been involved in the ministries of Chinese Bible Church of San Diego, and lectures regularly in Asia.

Folly, Grace, and Power: The Mysterious Act of Preaching

  • Author: John Koessler
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 160

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

When you stand before your congregation, what do you hope to accomplish when you preach the Word? If people have Bibles and the freedom to read and pray on their own—why do they need you? In short, what do you bring to the table?

Author, Pastor, and Professor John Koessler answers those questions and many more. Why does one sermon have a powerful effect on the audience while another falls flat? Why should listeners heed what the preacher says? Is human language adequate for facilitating an encounter with God? What is the point of preaching a sermon? Folly, Grace, and Power is a must-read for pastors, seminarians, and lay leaders charged with the task of preaching God’s word. This essential book is both a stern reminder of the sacredness of the awesome “job” of being a preacher, as well as a how-to that reveals the key to speaking powerfully on God’s behalf.

John Koessler has written an inspiring and responsible theological reflection on the proclamation of the Word. This book is full of meaty insights. Preaching is an exercise not just in communication but also in incarnation. Indeed, Koessler challenges us with the inspiring and sobering truth that to preach is to prepare others for eternity.

—Chris Brauns, Pastor, The Red Brick Church

Whether you are a seasoned preacher or just getting started, if you care about being an effective preacher, this book is a must-read for you.

—Joseph M. Stowell, President, Cornerstone University

John Koessler has written for Discipleship Journal, Leadership, Moody Magazine, Decision, and Christianity Today. He has served as a pastor and currently is Chair of the Pastoral Studies Department at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He is the author of several books including True Discipleship and God Our Father. He holds degrees from Wayne State University, Biblical Theological Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

The Hardest Sermons You'll Ever Have to Preach: Help from Trusted Preachers for Tragic Times

  • Editor: Bryan Chapell
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 304

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Cancer. Suicide. The death of a child. As much as we wish we could avoid tragedies like these, eventually they will strike your church community. When they do, pastors must be ready to offer help by communicating the life-changing message of the gospel in a way that offers hope, truth, and encouragement during these difficult circumstances. Those asked to preach in the midst of tragedy know the anxiety of trying to say appropriate things from God’s Word that will comfort and strengthen God’s people when emotions and faith are stretched thin. This indispensable resource helps pastors prepare sermons in the face of tragedies by providing suggestions for how to approach different kinds of tragedy, as well as insight into how to handle the theological challenges of human suffering.

Each topic provides a specific description of the context of the tragedy, the key concerns that need to be addressed in the message, and an outline of the approach taken in the sample sermon that follows. Topics addressed include:

  • Abortion
  • Abuse
  • Responding to national and community tragedies
  • The death of a child
  • Death due to cancer and prolonged sickness
  • Death due to drunk driving; drug abuse
  • Suicide

Bryan Chapell, author of Christ-Centered Preaching, has gathered together messages from some of today’s most trusted Christian leaders including: John Piper, Tim Keller, Michael Horton, Jack Collins, Dan Doriani, Jerram Barrs, Mike Khandjian, Robert Rayburn, Wilson Benton, Bob Flayhart, and George Robertson. Each chapter provides you with the resources you need to communicate the life-giving hope of the gospel in the midst of tragedy. In addition, the appendices provide further suggestions of biblical texts for addressing various subjects as well as guidance for conducting funerals.

Bryan Chapell is the bestselling author of numerous books on Christian ministry and life. Christ-Centered Preaching and Christ-Centered Worship are standard seminary texts; Holiness by Grace, Each for the Other, and Praying Backwards have helped thousands find greater joy and fulfillment in the grace of Christ. Bryan is distinguished professor of preaching at Knox Theological Seminary.

Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven: Exploring Worship as a Spiritual Discipline

  • Author: Rory Noland
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Pages: 240

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Despite the prevalence and popularity of worship pastors and the popularity of worship music, Christians of all varieties still struggle to understand and experience vibrant connection to God through worship. The fast pace of everyday life and ongoing "worship wars" challenge believers' ability to slow down and focus on God's goodness and sovereignty and to experience the blessings genuine worship can bring to their daily lives.

This book provides a practical perspective on the Christian discipline of worship, mining the Bible for wisdom on how to worship God. Author Rory Noland addresses both individual and corporate worship, relating biblical teaching to everyday issues Christians face in their personal faith and church life. Discussion questions and action points encourage readers to step by faith into God's presence and "worship on earth as it is in heaven."

This book includes:

  • Slice-of-church-life scenarios: every chapter begins with a brief scenario that presents a worship-related issue or a conflict corresponding to the chapter topic
  • Group discussion questions: based on the opening scenario, these questions help readers think about and discuss worship-related topics from different perspectives
  • Issue-by-issue practical guidance from a biblical perspective
  • “Ponder and Apply” application questions: each chapter ends with a series of discussion questions and action steps to help readers identify key insights and make personal applications

Rory Noland is the director of Heart of the Artist Ministries, an organization dedicated to serving artists in the church. A songwriter, speaker, church leader, and consultant, Rory is also the author of three books: The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide For You and Your Ministry Team, Thriving as an Artist in the Church: Hope and Help For You and Your Ministry Team, and The Worshiping Artist: Equipping You and Your Ministry Team to Lead Others in Worship. Rory currently serves part-time as Pastor of Worship at Harvest Bible Chapel in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, contributes regularly to Worship Leader magazine, and also leads worship for the Transforming Center, a ministry that cares for the souls of pastors and leaders. Rory graduated from the Chicago Musical College at Roosevelt University with a degree in theory and composition and served as the music director at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois.


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  1. RevSarge



  2. Phil Niebergall
  3. John Vignol

    John Vignol



Collection value: $98.96
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