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Olford Expository Preaching

Digital Logos Edition

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"Effective and accessible ministry tools from "The Preacher's Preacher."

Olford Expository Preaching brings together many of the greatest works of this renowned preacher—a conservative evangelical by conviction and an ordained Baptist minister by callingwho has made a profound impact on Christians across many denominational, cultural, and racial lines.

Internationally recognized for his Christ-centered ministry and powerful exposition of Scripture, Stephen F. Olford was called by many "The Preacher's Preacher." The influence of his exemplary preaching and pastoral leadership cannot be measured, and he was viewed as a mentor and model by thousands of preachers, teachers, and pastors in the United States and around the world. This influential set is comprised of inspirational writings and expository outlines from the enormous body of work for which Olford received numerous awards, honorary degrees and distinctions during his lifetime.

Be encouraged by the Logos Bible Software edition of Olford Expository Preaching to dig deep into the word of God and be influenced by the teachings of Stephen F. Olford. All Scripture passages are linked to your favorite Bible translation in your library. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of "revival" or "tithing."

This collection includes seven volumes of preaching outlines drawn from Sephen Olford’s prolific ministry.

Resource Experts

Key Features

  • Each chapter starts with an account of revival in the Bible
  • Learn about historic revivals over the last 300 years
  • Study on the importance of tithing

Product Details

  • Title: Olford Expository Preaching
  • Author: Stephen F. Olford
  • Volumes: 10
  • Pages: 420

Individual Titles

Heart Cry for Revival: What Revivals Teach Us for Today

  • Publisher: Institute for Biblical Preaching
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 176

After sixty-five years of ministry, Stephen Olford, founder of the Olford Institute for Biblical Preaching, was completing Heart Cry for Revival at the time of his death in 2004. Thoroughly immersed in scriptural reference, and full of consistent historical references to revival, Heart Cry answers the What, Who, Why, When, Way, Wind, Wake, and Wait of revival.

The messages in Heart Cry for Revival represent Dr. Olford's burden and vision, sustained throughout his ministry of sixty-five years. His book defines for us clearly and concisely what are the causes, the characteristics and the consequence of genuine, Holy Spirit-inspired revival. It was the desire of Dr. Olford and the design of his book to bring the reader to the place where there is created a true "heart cry for revival," both individually and collectively.

—Ted S. Rendall

Inviting People to Christ: Evangelistic Expository Messages

  • Publisher: Baker Books
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Pages: 128

Is tithing just giving my ten percent? If I'm not a cheerful giver, should I not give at all? How do I give out of love and not habit?

Financial giving is a topic many people don't openly discuss. It is also a topic that many Christians misunderstand and undervalue. With a solid biblical perspective, Dr. Olford has penned a comprehensive, honest, deeply perceptive study of financial stewardship. The topics covered include:

  • Keeping the work of God alive
  • Giving joyfully
  • Integrity on giving
  • Managing gifts
  • Tithes, offerings, expenses, and savings

Take a journey through Scripture to see the reasons for giving, the discipline of giving, and the motivation of giving. Application questions at the end of each chapter, and extensive biblical references for further study, make this an excellent guide for church, home, and individual use.

With inimitable passion and style, Dr. Olford lays bare the revolutionary biblical truth about giving. His words are properly surgical—they cut us that we might heal. The grace of giving is a life-giving medicine for today's church.

—Kent Hughes, Pastor, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois

Proclaiming the Good News: Evangelistic Expository Messages

  • Publisher: Institute for Biblical Preaching
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 176

“Preach the Word . . . Do the work of an evangelist.” These two imperatives are as relevant today as when the great apostle Paul first dictated them. Even if a pastor or preacher doesn't consider themselves to be evangelists in the sense in which Philip was gifted, they are still mandated to “do the work of an evangelist.” To “reach the people and preach the Gospel,” it is our duty to God and our debt to humanity—in the local church and in the global ministry. The evangelistic expositions offered in this volume are messages Dr. Stephen Olford actually preached at an evening “Witness” service at Calvary Baptist Church in New York City.

The Subjects. These are varied but vital in substance and scope. In adopting and adapting these subjects for your own preaching ministry, Dr. Olford encourages the reader to change titles and modify structure, asking only that one remain true to the message of the text. Olford let his passion carry his message, and this set of tools is meant to help others do the same.

The Sermons. Even though the thirteen sermons are individual messages, each one is an exposition. Whether in the churches in the U.K., or at Calvary Baptist Church in New York, or crusades around the world, the author never preached an evangelistic sermon that was not expository. God has not promised to bless what we say; but He has promised to bless what He has forever said in His son, and in His Word. The sermons do not constitute a series per se, nor are they individual topical sermons. Each message is an expository treatment of a gospel theme—with its own call to decision. For this reason, there is no designed sequence that must be followed.

The Spirit. Paul reminds us that “the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor. 3:6). Words, in and of themselves, cannot produce “the fruits of righteousness” in the lives of those to whom we minister, even though they may be divine oracles. The Apostle states this clearly when writing to the Thessalonians. Mark his language: “Our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit” (1 Thess. 1:5). So as you expound these evangelistic sermons, make sure that you claim “the Promise of . . . the Father”—even the enduement“with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).

Blessings on you as you preach!

About Stephen F. Olford

Stephen F. Olford was Founder of Olford Ministries International and Senior Lecturer of the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching in Memphis, Tennessee. He is remembered for his expository preaching and pastoral leadership. As author of numerous books, booklets, and preaching resources, Dr. Olford also contributed to leading periodicals on both sides of the Atlantic. Not I, but Christ, The Way of Holiness, Anointed Expository Preaching, A Time for Truth, The Sword of Suffering, and Windows of Wisdom are but a few of his many works.


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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


    Olford...a man of God.
  2. Anthony kennedy


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