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Products>Matthew 1:1–11:1: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture (Concordia Commentary | CC)

Matthew 1:1–11:1: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture (Concordia Commentary | CC)

Digital Logos Edition

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Matthew’s Gospel presents Jesus of Nazareth as the Christ long promised in the Old Testament. To interpret it, author Jeffrey Gibbs employs a narrative approach that examines the literary structure of Matthew's unfolding message and interprets individual texts with a careful eye to their relationship to that overall structure.

Gibbs expounds the Gospel in light of the original context and audience for whom Matthew wrote. The themes that have received particular emphasis include:

  • Jesus’ mission to save His people from their sins
  • The reign of God in Jesus
  • The Son of God’s vicarious role as substitute for Israel and for us
  • Jesus’ fulfillment of the Old Testament
  • Jesus’ ministry of mighty word (preaching, calling disciples, teaching) and mighty deed (healing the sick, exorcizing, raising the dead)
  • How God’s grace in Jesus now comes to us through Word and Sacrament
  • Eschatology—that the end times have begun already with Jesus’ ministry and the Christian lives with joyful hope in the promises yet to be fulfilled on the Last Day.

In the Logos edition of the Matthew 1:1–11:1, you get easy access to Scripture texts and to a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references links you instantly to the verse you’re looking for, and with Passage Guides, Word Studies, and a wealth of other tools from Logos, you can delve into God’s Word like never before!

Interested in more? You can find all 23 volumes of the Concordia Commentary compiled in one collection.

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Resource Experts
  • Bibliographical references and index
  • Preface by the author
  • A theological exposition of sacred Scripture

Top Highlights

“The first word in Jesus’ reply, ἄφες, ‘Allow [it],’ indicates that Jesus’ Baptism is a concession, an allowance due to his state of humiliation: the sinless Son of God receives the baptism meant for sinners because he shall be the sin-bearer.” (Page 179)

“This second temptation, then, differs from the first in at least this way. The first assumed that, as the Son of God, Jesus has miraculous power; the question was how Jesus would use it. The second assumes that, as God’s Son, God’s power is available to protect and sustain Jesus; at issue is whether Jesus would trust that promise. The perfect Son trusts perfectly. He will not put God to the test.” (Pages 195–196)

“The order of these parts, however, is significant. Without the blessing of Jesus—without the strength and power and hope that the Beatitudes provide when they are rightly understood and believed—no one can receive and live in the calling that Jesus then gives.” (Page 232)

“The last temptation differs from the first two in a remarkable way. In the first, Satan assumed that Jesus has power, and asked how he would use it. In the second, the slanderer acknowledged that God promised to exercise power on behalf of Jesus, but he asked Jesus to doubt that promise or misuse that power. In this final and climactic temptation, Satan presumes that the Son will worship and serve someone, so he seeks to turn Jesus aside from wholehearted worship and service of God his Father. Jesus, however, will not turn aside. His life and ministry will be a perfect act of worship and service to God.” (Page 196)

  • Title: Concordia Commentary: Matthew 1:1–11:1
  • Author: Jeffrey A. Gibbs
  • Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
  • Pages: 584

Professor of Exegetical Theology, Academic Advisor for Sem I Students; Director of Certification Rice University, Houston, Texas (B.A. 1974); Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana (M.Div. 1979, S.T.M. 1988); Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, Richmond, Virginia (Ph.D. 1995); pastor, Calvary, St. Helens, Oregon (1979-86); pastor, Grace, Scappoose, Oregon (1979-89); assistant professor, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri (1992-97); assistant academic advisor (1996-99); associate professor (1997-2005); acting chairman of the department of exegetical theology (2000-01); academic advisor for Sem I students since 1999; professor since 2005; director of certification since 2006.


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