Digital Logos Edition
This commentary expounds Proverbs as an Old Testament Wisdom book that reveals Jesus Christ, who is the agent of creation and the wisdom of God incarnate. Proverbs inculcates God's wisdom through didactic sayings that teach prudence and discretion for the life of faith, which is contrasted to the ways of the world. This commentary explains both the larger features of the book and the individual proverbs that comprise this treasury of divine wisdom.
In the Logos edition of the Proverbs, you get easy access to Scripture texts and to a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references links you instantly to the verse you’re looking for, and with Passage Guides, Word Studies, and a wealth of other tools from Logos, you can delve into God’s Word like never before!
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“The metaphor ‘a garland of grace’ (4:9, as in 1:9) recalls his first address, where he noted that Wisdom would grace the head of those who have her (1:9). The ‘garland’ that is made ‘of’—or that is—‘grace’ and the ‘beautiful crown’ indicate that Wisdom confers royal majesty upon the believer (see the textual notes on 4:9) so that he will reign with Christ (Rom 5:17; 2 Tim 2:12; Rev 22:5). The ‘garland’ and the ‘crown’ anticipate the NT references to God’s gifts of grace in Christ, ‘the crown of righteousness’ (2 Tim 4:8), ‘the crown of glory’ (1 Pet 5:4), and ‘the crown of life’ (James 1:12; Rev 2:10; cf. Rev 3:11; 4:4, 10) to be received by each believer on the Last Day.” (Page 137)
“Thus essential for understanding the wisdom of Proverbs is discerning that wisdom is God’s. This is also the key to comprehending the Gospel in Proverbs. Wisdom is God’s great gift to his people throughout the book. Wisdom is what God bestows. It is God’s gracious blessing that enlightens humans, and ultimately it is God as he comes to humanity in the person of his incarnate Son.” (Page 22)
“Proverbs therefore often assumes that its readers are children of God through faith, presupposing that the Gospel has brought them into his kingdom and that they understand their adoption by grace into the family of Yahweh. Its sayings are intended to encourage them to good works even though the sinful world may weigh heavily upon them. It seeks to provide guidance in the way of God’s holy Law as they live their lives. The same dynamic is found in the NT, which exhorts believers to obey God’s Law and be diligent in good works—not in order to be saved by obedience and works, but precisely because God in Christ has already granted salvation by grace alone (e.g., Romans 13; Eph 2:8–10).” (Page 42)
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Robert Watson
Andrew Ruddell