These poems wander through life and memory. They explore art, music, and history, but in an atmosphere of subtropical wonder. Beauty and truth are close relations and the author explores both as memories of an earlier Florida compose a world of recall and invitation.
“This is the Summer beach read that brings the beach to you. A
volume of shorter poems that indeed open doors, and behind each
one, a vacation. The poetry is awash with imagery from coastal
Florida, but Niehaus shows himself to be just as adept at
transporting his readers into the classicist’s library or an
English Cathedral as he is at capturing the feeling of a front
porch or a quiet marina. There is a wonderful nostalgia, sometimes
recalled as an ocean only looked upon, at other times evoked as the
poet dives below the surface, securing such treasures as ‘Sun and
sand and sea all spoke of you / And won my soul to love / and as I
sank / Among the warm, shallow waters I / Could hardly imagine any
other’ (Palm Beach Inlet). There is simplicity here, yet also
depth. There is beauty here. An afternoon's reading in Sea
Grapes and Sea Oats will leave you longing to know those things
that Niehaus knows: a paradise he has found within, and yet another
that lies ahead of him.”
—Alison Gerber, pastor, poet, author of Bible Study &
Meditation: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life