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Products>Steps to Faith: Examine Faith—Explore Questions—Encounter God: Where Inquiring Friends Become Solid Disciples

Steps to Faith: Examine Faith—Explore Questions—Encounter God: Where Inquiring Friends Become Solid Disciples

ISBN: 9781630873349


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Everyone Has a Unique Pathway to Faith. Take the First Step! - Perhaps you are open to the Christian faith, but in no way convinced. You have legitimate questions or lingering doubts. - Perhaps you seek a spiritual rooting--that comes from deep beliefs. - Perhaps you hope to experience the living God--in a way that's real and sticks. - Perhaps you are searching for something compelling--a vision for your life! If you are willing, simply, to take the first exploring step, this booklet charts the way forward. It fulfills Jesus's promise that "those who seek will find." Welcome to a discovery-path of unlimited potential. It can bless you--beyond measure! Vignettes Inside: The First Step - A Tale of Two Operators - Jesus: Poser or Pedigree? - Something Has Gone Really Wrong! - Jesus Came to Fix What We Can't - The Meaning of the Cross - The Sign of the Resurrection - What's Unique about Christianity - Miscues in Approaching Faith - Faith & Flying - Navigating Forward - Rear View Mirror - Stepping Up - What Surfers Know To pursue your questions, curiosity, and longings, Steps to Faith can be read personally, with a Christian friend, or by a class/group at church.

"Steps to Faith provides a useful and instructive guide to understanding and explaining the biblical truths that our world desperately needs to hear. Whether you want to know what it means to place your faith in Christ, or you seek to improve your dexterity in effectively leading others to faith in Jesus, this book is for you."
--Mike Fabarez, senior pastor, Compass Bible Church, California

"I have known Gary Comer for 30 years. Rarely have I met someone who is so adept and so passionate about introducing people to Jesus Christ. In his book Steps to Faith, Gary puts to paper what he has so effectively modeled in his own life. His concepts are clear, easy to embrace, and transformational. I would eagerly recommend Gary's book to anyone who wants to learn how to more effectively lead people to encounter Jesus. It's a great read!"
--Brent Strawsburg, president of Brent Strawsburg Apologetics, California

Product Details

  • Title : Steps to Faith: Examine Faith—Explore Questions—Encounter God: Where Inquiring Friends Become Solid Disciples
  • Author: Comer, Gary
  • Publisher: Resource Publications
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • ISBN: 9781630873349

Gary Comer describes his own journey by the three "S"s: secular, skeptic, and sinner. Growing up outside the church, he could not satisfy a profound spiritual hunger for something more! The author of Soul Whisperer and the Missional Engagement Series, Gary is the Outreach Director of Sandals Church in Riverside, California. He also speaks, writes and trains as the Founder of Soul Whisperer Ministries. Connect further at soulwhisperministry.com.


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