Digital Logos Edition
Judges covers a dark time in Israel’s history, and the narrative often leaves the reader shocked at the actions of God’s people. In spite of Israel’s unfaithfulness, God remains faithful. He, not the leaders he raises up, is the hero of the story. Way helps the reader understand this perplexing text, using two interpretive questions: What is wrong with this picture? Where is God in this story?
Concurrent with the time of the judges, Ruth provides a counterbalance to the darkness of Judges, showing there were still people who kept the covenant. But it too is a story about God—his love, loyalty, and compassion—and of how he paved the way for King David and, ultimately, Jesus.
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“While some ancient Near Eastern peoples would leave a portion of their crops unharvested as an offering to local fertility deities,3 the Israelites would do so as an expression of loving their neighbor (Lev. 19:18) and ‘treating the vulnerable with justice’4 (Deut. 24:17–25:19) in order that God may bless their work (Deut. 24:19).” (Page 195)
“It can show that ‘common people [like Boaz] achieve uncommon ends when they act unselfishly toward each other.’27 The last word of the Hebrew text (‘David’) shows that Israel’s ideal king emerges from righteous stock and that the ‘fragile thread’28 leading to David (and ultimately to Jesus) is forged through acts of faithfulness initiated by a foreign woman. Most important, the genealogy shows that by blessing Naomi’s family, God brings blessings to the whole nation (and ultimately to the whole world).” (Page 211)
“God is orchestrating events according to his own plan even though Ruth is taking initiative (2:2–3).” (Page 198)
“God’s patience with Gideon and his inclination to meet Gideon in his place of weakness” (Page 68)
“God’s faithfulness is expressed through Boaz’s benevolent actions toward Ruth (2:20)” (Page 199)
This commentary on Judges and Ruth combines brief introductory observations and concluding theological reflections on each literary unit with judicious commentary on words and expressions that need clarification. In so doing, Kenneth Way makes both the literary form and the message of the books of Judges and Ruth accessible to lay readers and anyone else who seeks to study the books in greater detail. Both author and publisher are to be commended for this fine volume.
Daniel I. Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College
The book of Judges narrates dark and curious episodes in the history of Israel after the conquest. Yet, as Ken Way demonstrates, there are many helpful and surprising lessons to learn from this rich book that are highly relevant to the people of God today. Ken applies his skill as a historian and interpreter to produce a concise and well-written guide to both Judges and Ruth. The unique conventions of the Teach the Text Commentary Series--such as the big idea, the key themes, teaching the text, and illustrating the text--will make this commentary very helpful to those involved in a regular teaching ministry.
Clinton E. Arnold, Dean and Professor of New Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Dr. Kenneth C. Way has produced an outstanding commentary on the books of Judges and Ruth. In particular, Way's dedicated, long-term study on the book of Judges is demonstrated in his meticulous attention to detail in the exposition of the various issues encountered in this book. Readers will benefit greatly from the numerous important insights into the original meaning of these books as well as the many practical applications for Christian living. Very readable, this impressive volume is a must-have commentary for those teaching and preaching these two important books of the Old Testament.
K. Lawson Younger Jr., Professor of Old Testament, Semitic languages, and ancient Near Eastern history, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
The Teach the Text Commentary Series gives pastors the best of biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from the meaning of the text to its effective communication. By providing focused commentary, this volume allows pastors to quickly grasp the most important information. Each unit of the commentary includes the big idea and key themes of the passage and sections dedicated to understanding, teaching, and illustrating the text.