Digital Logos Edition
Both a best-selling author and a popular preacher, Tim Keller’s success as a pastor has led many to ask him, “What’s your secret?” How do you do ministry that is both faithful to the Gospel and fruitful to the lives of individuals and the surrounding community?
Rather than provide another “how to” book or simply lay down the biblical foundations for ministry, Keller seeks to provide the often missed middle layer. In these books, he explains the importance of developing a “theological vision” to connect a church’s biblical and doctrinal foundations with the concrete programs and ministries they offer. Armed with this vision, life-changing ministry becomes possible in any cultural context.
In this important book, Tim Keller unpacks the gospel and gently but firmly reminds us that it is nonnegotiable. At the same time, he enables us to think through how we can responsibly interact with the culture, how we can—indeed, must—appreciate good things within it, and how we can firmly and faithfully apply the gospel to it.
—D.A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Timothy Keller was born and raised in Pennsylvania and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary. He previously served as pastor of West Hopewell Presbyterian Church in Hopewell, Virginia; associate professor of practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, and director of Mercy Ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America.
Timothy Keller is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and his three young sons. For over 20 years, he has led a diverse congregation of young professionals with a weekly attendance of over 5,000.
He is also president of Redeemer City to City, which starts new churches in New York and other global cities and publishes books and resources for faith in an urban culture. Over the past 10 years, the organization has helped launch over 200 churches in 35 cities. More recently, Dr. Keller’s books, including the New York Times bestselling The Reason for God and The Prodigal God, have sold over one million copies and been translated into 15 languages.
Christianity Today has said, “Fifty years from now, if evangelical Christians are widely known for their love of cities, their commitment to mercy and justice, and their love of their neighbors, Timothy Keller will be remembered as a pioneer of the new urban Christians.”
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Nathan Titus