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Products>Revelation (Mentor Expository Commentary | MEC)

Revelation (Mentor Expository Commentary | MEC)

, 2012
ISBN: 9781845506889

Digital Logos Edition

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There is so much in the past, present and future that we do not understand. The book of Revelation helps us understand who is in full and sovereign control, the victorious Lamb on his throne. And what a great unveiling of the glorious Saviour is revealed in this apocalyptic book! In 65 expositional chapters, Douglas Kelly draws our attention to the central theme of this profound book—the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

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Top Highlights

“The historical Christian church for the most part, until the 1830s, believed that much (though not all) of what is predicted in Revelation was fulfilled about 70 ad when Jerusalem was destroyed, the temple was burned, and the Jews were scattered out of their land. You can go through Revelation and look at specific things that Jesus told John would happen to the persecutors of the church, and see that many of them happened in 70 ad.” (Page 19)

“When was his malign power to keep the nations in spiritual darkness limited? Scripture shows us exactly when it began” (Pages 376–377)

“By the same token, a thousand or millennium, means a very large number of years.” (Page 376)

“In other words, when we go out speaking the gospel truth to lost people, whether in a foreign country or at home, Jesus is with us. Satan is bound insofar as he can no longer keep the church from spreading the truth.” (Page 377)

“Here I will only note that if Revelation were written before 70 ad, then it is all the more reasonable to hold that much of it (though not all of it) was precisely fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem.” (Page 19)

  • Title: Revelation (Mentor Expository Commentary | MEC)
  • Author: Douglas F. Kelly
  • Series: Mentor Expository Commentary
  • Publisher: Mentor
  • Print Publication Date: 2012
  • Logos Release Date: 2019
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. N.T. Revelation › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9781845506889, 184550688X
  • Resource ID: LLS:MTREXCOM87REV
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-08-30T23:36:23Z

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Dr. Kelly received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Diploma from the University of Lyon, his B.D. from the Union Theological Seminary, and his Ph. D. from the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of many written works including, If God Already Knows, Why Pray?, Preachers with Power: Four Stalwarts of the South, New Life in the Wasteland, Creation and Change, and The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World. His firm grasp of multiple languages and his theological competence are capably demonstrated in translating such works as Sermons by John Calvin on II Samuel. He is serving with David Wright of the University of Edinburgh as a general editor for a revision of Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. Before joining the faculty at RTS, Dr. Kelly travelled extensively throughout the world preaching and teaching. He was also enlisted to serve on the Jurisprudence project of The Christian Legal Society and serves on the Credentials Committee of the Central Carolina Presbytery.


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