Digital Logos Edition
The first volume in a 4-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practicality—characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach.
This volume explores the first 2 of 8 central themes of theology: revelation and God. Each of the 55 chapters exegetes, expounds, and applies key portions of Scripture that lie at the heart of each doctrine discussed, and encourages engagement and worship through study questions and suggested hymns for response. The authors also draw upon the writings of church history throughout the ages, and interact with differing points of view. The result is a comprehensive yet accessible systematic theology of the Reformed Christian faith that ministers to the whole person—head, heart, and hands.
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“In summary, we may define theology as the authoritative knowledge and wisdom revealed in God’s Word concerning God so that we may joyfully live unto him through Jesus Christ. It is authoritative because it stands upon the Word of God. It is knowledge and wisdom because it informs the mind with certain truths and directs the life. It pertains to God not in the narrow sense of the doctrine of God, but broadly regarding God’s nature, will, and works. It aims at producing a God-centered life. And it comes to us through Jesus Christ and brings us to God through Christ, for he is the only Mediator between God and man.” (Page 57)
“1. We do theology while acknowledging God’s ultimate incomprehensibility.” (Page 69)
“The most basic truth of theology is that there is a God, and you are not him.” (Page 69)
“This brief survey of the branches of theology shows that good systematic theology must draw from all these fields of study: exegesis, biblical theology, history, and philosophy. Systematic theology also serves multiple purposes: building up the church in its worldview, defending the faith, promoting the truth, opposing error, establishing a system of morality and ethics, and guiding pastors in their work.” (Page 52)
“In cooperation with the discipline of biblical theology, Reformed systematic theology must discern the location of each text of the Bible with respect to the covenants that precede and inform it. Thus, covenant theology, when done rightly, provides a sensitive hermeneutic for discovering how all Scripture is profitable for teaching and training God’s people today (2 Tim. 3:16–17).” (Page 111)
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!’ This expression of praise from Paul’s great doxology is a fitting response to reading this wonderful work of doctrine and devotion. Though the Reformed faith is often caricatured as merely intellectual, this work demonstrates that Reformed theology is also profoundly experiential, as no chapter fails to move from theology to doxology. This resource will instruct the mind and inflame the heart.
—John MacArthur, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California; Chancellor Emeritus, The Master’s University and Seminary
Some people think Reformed theology is all about doctrine and has little to do with doxology. Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley have proved otherwise. Chapter after chapter of their Reformed Systematic Theology not only takes readers into the depths of our triune God, but also shows what these great truths have to do with the Christian life. No contemporary systematic theology will bring the reader to a greater understanding of how theology blossoms into doxology than this one.
—Matthew Barrett, Associate Professor of Christian Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Executive Editor, Credo Magazine; editor, Reformation Theology
Already the most prolific Reformed author of his generation, Joel Beeke (helped by his theological Barnabas, Paul Smalley) now harvests the fruit of a lifetime of study, reflection, teaching, and writing in this impressive magnum opus. Throughout the centuries, theologians have debated whether systematic theology is an intellectual or practical discipline. Reformed Systematic Theology rightly treats it as both, for the Great Theologian of the church underlined that we cannot love the Lord our God with our mind unless we also love him with heart, soul, and strength. Thus, in these pages, doctrine leads to doxology and also to further enquiry. Each locus is expounded biblically, is understood ‘together with all the saints,’ and leads to practical implications and applications, with psalms, hymns of praise, and probing questions for further reflection. This is catechesis at its best, in the great tradition of Augustine, Anselm, and Calvin, where ‘faith seeks understanding’ and leads to worship and obedience. Here is a major contribution to the education of theological students, but also a work for preachers to have close by as a constant go-to resource, and indeed for every Christian family to own and frequently consult. While today it may seem that ‘of the making of systematic theologies there is no end,’ Reformed Systematic Theology makes a distinctive, deeply engaging, and welcome contribution and deserves a place of honor. Many will be grateful to Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley for giving this immensely valuable gift to the twenty-first-century church.
—Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) has written over one hundred books. He is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as the editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, the editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books, the president of Inheritance Publishers, and vice president of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society.
Paul M. Smalley (ThM, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) is faculty teaching assistant to Joel Beeke at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He previously served for twelve years as a pastor in the Baptist General Conference in the midwestern United States.
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