Digital Logos Edition
In the Old Testament: Advanced Background and Context Studies Study Bundle you’ll study cultural background of the ancient Near East. You will learn about ancient law codes that parallel the Mosaic Law and creation accounts that shed light on the how Israel would have understood the biblical account of creation. You’ll explore the social world of the ancient Near East discovering more about its economics, government, and family life. These courses provide important insight into the culture of the Old Testament world.
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Join David W. Baker on a whirlwind tour, looking at the Old Testament from many different angles and at how it relates to ancient Near Eastern literature. From creation accounts and stories of destruction to Wisdom literature, discover different biblical literary genres that have parallels in ancient Near Eastern literature. Explore extrabiblical historical texts that mention key events and figures from the Old Testament. Understand how Israel fits into and is impacted by its ancient Near Eastern environment, but also how it is separate and unique, mainly on a theological level, but also by its distinct worldview.
Dr. Baker has a particular interest in pedagogy, constantly exploring new means and media to enhance the learning and teaching experience for both the instructor and the student. He has contributed to, edited, or written over 40 books, including Isaiah in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, The NIV Application Commentary: Joel, Obadiah, Malachi, and Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch. Forthcoming books include Genesis 37–50: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text in the Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible Series, 1 & 2 Kings in the Teach the Text Commentary Series, Genesis in the Apollos Old Testament Commentary Series, and 1 & 2 Samuel in the Believers Church Bible Commentary Series.
He’s blessed with a wife, Morven, who immigrated to Canada from Scotland—a start that prepared her to support Dr. Baker in his geographical wanderings. Morven is a counselor specializing in women’s issues, specifically sexual abuse and domestic violence. Together, they have two children and three granddaughters.
In an age of international travel and migration, we’re familiar with people who look, sound, eat, and believe differently than we do. In order to become friends, it’s helpful to understand where they come from and how they do things differently, or the same, as we do. In the same way it is necessary to understand someone who comes from a different place than we do, how much more necessary is it to understand someone who is from not only a different geographical place, but also a different time than we are? The Old Testament starts at the beginning of the world. This course will undertake the task of crossing the bridges of geography, climate, time, and a landscape unknown to us: ancient Israel. Throughout the course, David W. Baker will address aspects of life from our own culture and time, as well as family structure and societal systems from ancient Israelite life. As we learn more about the social world of the Old Testament, we will be struck not only by our differences, but also by our common humanity, sharing the same dreams, hopes, and fears as they did.
In this revealing course, Dr. Michael Heiser illuminates the Old Testament basis for the Christian Godhead. Dr. Heiser, academic editor at Logos Bible Software, reveals how God was cast as more than one person in the Old Testament, and how New Testament writers applied those descriptions to Jesus. Dive into Old Testament theology and powerful descriptions of God, and discover foundational truths for apologetics and Jewish evangelism. Dr. Heiser holds a PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages, making him an excellent Old Testament guide.
Dr. Heiser earned his PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages and holds and MA in ancient history and Hebrew studies. He is the coeditor of Old Testament Greek Pseudepigrapha with Morphology and Semitic Inscriptions: Analyzed Texts and English Translations, and can do translation work in roughly a dozen ancient languages, including Biblical Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Ugaritic cuneiform. He also specializes in Israelite religion (especially Israel’s divine council), contextualizing biblical theology with Israelite and ancient Near Eastern religion, Jewish binitarianism, biblical languages, ancient Semitic languages, textual criticism, comparative philology, and Second Temple period Jewish literature. In addition, he was named the 2007 Pacific Northwest Regional Scholar by the Society of Biblical Literature.
Origins of Genesis 1–3 studies the claims of the biblical text in these first chapters of Genesis. Focusing closely on the ancient Near Eastern context of the text, professor Walton helps students see how Genesis 1–3 would have been understood by its original audience and leads students to examine the function of the creation story and the issues between science and the Bible.
His primary focus is in areas of comparison between the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East, particularly Genesis. He is the author or coauthor of several books, including Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament, IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament, and A Survey of the Old Testament.
Explore the depths of the Shema (Deut 6:4–9) and learn why this text is sacred not only to Jews but to Christians as well. Discover why Jesus quoted the Shema when asked what the greatest commandment is. Gain insight into the covenantal, volitional, and emotional aspects of love and what it means to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” Dr. Mark Futato guides you through the text, shedding light on the Hebrew language and its various interpretations. He then identifies the Shema’s relevance today and how these commands can point us toward Jesus each and every day.
In Women in the Biblical World: Old Testament, Dr. Mark Chavalas provides a historical and archaeological survey of the status of women in the biblical world, considering Old Testament views on women alongside those of the larger ancient Near Eastern context. Beginning from the advent of the nation of Israel, he covers various cultures from the time period, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hittite Anatolia, and Iran, exploring primary texts that inform our understanding of the roles of women in the ancient Near East and the Old Testament.
Dr. Chevalas is author or coauthor of publications including Mesopotamia and the Bible (Baker, 2002) and the IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (InterVarsity Press, 2000) and coeditor of The Ancient Near East and Women in the Ancient Near East. Dr. Chavalas has had fellowships at Yale, Harvard, Cornell, and other universities. He has nine seasons of excavation experience at various Bronze Age sites in Syria, and he is currently President of the American Oriental Society Middle West region and a member of the editorial board of the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
His research over the past decade has focused on interconnections between ancient Mesopotamia and outlying areas such as Anatolia, Iran, Egypt, and Syro-Palestine. Other recent research has investigated gender constructs in the ancient Near East and Mesopotamian historiography. Dr. Chavalas’ current research is focused on writing a history of Bronze Age Syria from the advent of writing in the third millennium BC to the Iron Age. His courses cover a wide area, including ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Syria, and Turkey; Iran before Islam; women in the ancient world; and the Akkadian and Sumerian languages.