Digital Logos Edition
One of the most important figures of the 16th century, Desiderius Erasmus was a leading reformist and Renaissance humanist. Through his works and letters, Erasmus championed that true religion was a matter of inward devotion rather than outward symbols of ceremony and ritual, and sought to reform aspects of the Church from within. His works showed an astonishing intelligence, razor-sharp wit, and an authentic love for God and humanity. Soon after publication, his works were translated and read all over Europe.
This biography of Erasmus' life and work also contains letters found after the publication of Francis Morgan Nichols' three-volume Epistles of Erasmus, an in-depth look at the controversy between Erasmus and Luther, two appendixes (one that includes the text of Erasmus' last will), a detailed index, and thirteen illustrations.
Scripture references are linked to the wealth of language resources in Logos. This makes these texts more powerful and easier to access than ever before. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “Reformation,” or “peace.”
Mr. Capey has succeeded in sifting out the essential and interesting elements of the great scholar's career, and has presented them in a way which cannot but appeal to the average men.
—The Auburn Seminary Review
To read Erasmus is to grow in wisdom.
—Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
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