Digital Logos Edition
We are living in an age when the Holy Spirit is the active Agent of the Triune God. We ought to know Him in His real nature, in His attributes, in His names, and in His ministries. All matters and questions pertaining to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, therefore, should be of unusual interest to us who live in this period of special spiritual privilege.
It is vitally important that we know the Holy Spirit not as an impersonal force, but as a divine Person—the third Person of the Trinity. He possesses the attributes of deity, so is properly designated God, the Spirit. He is presented in Scripture under various names and symbols.
The Spiritual Discovery Series is a unique curricula product. It has been designed with today’s learner in mind. A quick survey of this guide will reveal many changes from earlier texts. These changes reflect our philosophy of adult education. It is important that you the teacher/facilitator understand the reason for the changes and the educational philosophy used to develop the Spiritual Discovery Series.
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