Digital Logos Edition
With simple language and a personal style, They Spoke from God weaves together Old Testament passages to show how they tell the story of God at work to redeem His people. Instead of following a book-by-book summary or a division by literary genre, Williams uses a theology of history as the unifying theme. Since it not only explains relevant Scriptures—but relates them to historical, theological, and ethical questions—They Spoke from God will enrich your sermon study, as well as Sunday School teachers’ preparation and study. Consider one for the main speakers in your church and for your pastoral library.
“it consistently speaks on behalf of God. In a sense, then, all the Bible is a witness to itself.2” (Page 21)
“From the beginning of the Bible the message has been clear: The true God speaks and reveals himself to people; he wants to have a relationship with all who are willing.” (Page 266)
“Are we here by accident or by divine design and purpose? Christians answer, ‘By divine design and purpose!’” (Page 21) |
“It is also implied in how the Bible treats its various subjects:” (Page 21)
“Others mention a ‘book’ that has its origins with Moses” (Page 64)