Digital Logos Edition
This volume reviews the biblical teachings undergirding the Adventist movement, providing for both believers and inquirers a faith-centered, reasoned exploration of these truths as seen by Seventh-day Adventists. Contributors include many Adventist theologians, and the volume was produced under the direction of Raoul Dederen, editor. Topics include: The Doctrine of God; Christ: His Person and Work; The Doctrine of Salvation; The Doctrine of the Sanctuary; Creation; The Sabbath; Christian Behavior and Lifestyle; Marriage and Family; Theology of Health; and The Second Coming.
“It signifies deliberate, premeditated, willful violation of a norm or standard.” (Page 238)
“In this reforming Jesus showed that He, not the Pharisees, was Lord of the Sabbath” (Page 470)
“Hamartia connotes an individual’s deliberate failure to attain God’s standard” (Pages 238–239)
“Among Adventists, the history of the doctrine revolved mostly around the issue of perfection” (Page 265)
“Sabbath commandment may be considered the seal of the Decalogue” (Page 496)
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Emmanuel Forkpa Zayzay Jr
Enerst. Zindoga