Digital Logos Edition
Since 1980 John Piper has labored in the ministry of preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church under the conviction that “People are starving for the greatness of God.” Join John Piper as he exults in God through the exposition of the biblical text, and taste and see that the Lord is good.
“What’s the problem here? Is this wrong? To plan and intend to go places and do things? No, not per se. In verse 15 he is going to say it is legitimate to plan to do this or that. What’s wrong then, if it’s not planning?” (source)
“The point is that, even though God’s offer of peace goes out to all, only his chosen people—the people who receive Christ and trust him as Savior and Messiah and Lord, will experience the peace he brings.” (source)
“Believe and you have eaten’ (In Johan. Tract. xxvi. 1).” (source)
“So Jesus forced them to expose their own misuse of the law. They all walked away. The point is not that judges and executioners must be sinless. The point is that righteousness and justice should be founded on a gracious spirit, and if it’s not, what you get is the heartlessness and hypocrisy of Pharisaism. That’s the point throughout the Gospels, not just here.” (source)
“So Israel’s historical story and our internal, personal story connect in Jesus. Their history was pointing to Jesus, and our spiritual struggles were pointing to Jesus.” (source)
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