Digital Logos Edition
The Book of Jubilees—also known as The Little Genesis—was translated from four Ethiopic manuscripts. It contains a fascinating variety of material not found in the Bible, including details concerning the Fall, Cain and Abel, angels, the Flood, the Tower of Babel, Jacob’s visions, the Messianic Kingdom, and many other subjects. R. H. Charles’ commentary diverges from the traditional belief that Jubilees was written during the first-century, and instead he asserts that it was written at the same time as the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. This volume is intended for scholars and theological students.
“But do Thou bless me and my sons, that we may increase and multiply and replenish the earth. 5. And Thou knowest how Thy Watchers, the fathers of these spirits, acted in my day: and as for these spirits which are living, imprison them and hold them fast in the place of condemnation, and let them not bring destruction on the sons of thy servant, my God; for these are malignant, and created in order to destroy. 6. And let them not rule over the spirits of the living; for Thou alone canst exercise dominion over them. And let them not have power over the sons of the righteous from henceforth and for evermore.’” (Pages 79–80)
“Kâinâm. 2. And the son grew, and his father taught him writing, and he went to seek for himself a place where he might seize for himself a city. 3. And he found a writing which former (generations) had carved on the rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens of the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of heaven. 4. And he wrote it down and said nothing regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on account of it.” (Pages 66–67)
“He set His bow in the cloud for a sign of the eternal covenant that there should not again be a flood on the earth to destroy it all the days of the earth. 17. For this reason it is ordained and written on the heavenly tables, that they should celebrate the feast of weeks in this month once a year, to renew the covenant every year.” (Pages 51–52)
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