Digital Logos Edition
In Rooted & Grounded, Abraham Kuyper describes the dual calling of the Christian Church. The Church needs to be rooted—a living organism that grows freely. And the Church needs to be grounded—an institution with strong foundations to keep it from collapsing. This message is the first sermon Kuyper gave to his congregation in Amsterdam.
“From the organism the institution is born, but also through the institution the organism is fed.” (source)
“A church cannot be manufactured; a polity, no matter how tidy, and a confession, no matter how spotless, are powerless to form a church if the living organism is absent.” (source)
“The church is an organism because she bears a unique life within herself and self-consciously upholds the independence of that life over against the old life. The church is an organism because she lives according to her own rule and must follow her own vital law. The church is an organism, finally, because what will later unfold from her buds is fully supplied already within her seed.” (source)
“The purpose of the church is not to make people pious but Christian. One can be pious and still not Christian. A true Christian knows nothing of his own piety.” (source)
“This makes orthodoxy conservative. But this is the question: Is orthodoxy fighting for a life principle, or merely for a few incidental consequences deduced from this principle?” (source)