Digital Logos Edition
Explore how to develop a biblical theory of personality by first looking at some of the fatal flaws in the secular models as they relate to caregiving and Scripture. Gain knowledge of God and His Word, and of yourself in relation to God.
“But is it possible to truly know yourself without knowing God? We, of Christians, would argue that it is not possible unless we understand who we are in relationship to our Creator.” (source)
“In modern psychology, we are limited to the study of human and animal behavior using what is called the scientific method. We reject any historical psychology as theological or philosophical speculation and superstition.” (source)
“Knowledge, then, is limited to what we observe and gather through our senses. There’s no supernatural reality or revelation.” (source)
“The order of service was, first of all, self-disclosure and confession of sin, called exomologesis.” (source)
“Oxford English Dictionary—is the study of the soul” (source)