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Products>Langham Global Library Collection (115 vols.)

Langham Global Library Collection (115 vols.)

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Collection value: $2,588.69
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Excellent evangelical publications contextually addressing issues in the Majority World for the benefit of the global church. The Langham Global Library has a wide range of books including textbooks, biographies and commentaries, with the vision to edify believers in their walk with God, encourage Christian leaders, strengthen ministries and develop theological understanding.

Explore the history of Bible translation and the positive and negative effects of missionary work. Discover the impact of theological education styles on the effectiveness of their students and the struggles faced by theology students with English as a second or foreign language. Gain insight into hermeneutics and techniques for creative preaching.

Resource Experts
  • Explore issues in missions and Bible translation
  • Discover the impact of theological education styles
  • Gain techniques for preaching and bible study
  • Title: Langham Global Library Collection (115 vols.)
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 115

This title is included in the following collections

You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.

Asia Bible Commentary Series (5 vols.)

  • Editors: Bruce J. Nicholls & Sang-Bok David Kim
  • Series: Asia Bible Commentary
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 1,330

The Asia Bible Commentary Series (Edited by Bruce J. Nicholls and Sang-Bok David Kim) aims to enable readers to understand the Scriptures in their own context and to interpret and apply them to the plurality of Asian cultures in which they live and work.

The series is designed for use by pastors in their expository ministry of preaching, teaching and counselling, by teachers and students in their theological studies, and by men and women who lead small groups in churches and homes.

International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) (6 vols.)

  • Series: International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE)
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 6
  • PPages: 1,720

The process of theological education has always been an exercise in learning the cultural setting of the Bible. A modern understanding of the course development and mentorship takes into account the culture of the student, the cultural values of the local community in which the school is found, and the importance of creating an identity-forming culture of Christ-centered learning and excellence. This collection presents readers with the necessity of thoughtful cross-cultural interaction in today’s interconnected global culture. With great care and appropriate depth, these volumes will provide guidance for those whose calling involves building up the church through higher education.

Langham International Christianity Collection (8 vols.)

  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 1,632

The Langham International Christianity Collection is filled with useful observations and best-practices formed through cross-cultural ministry settings. Expert authors explore the biographies of important Christian leaders from beyond Western world and examine the positive and negative effects of missionary work. Discover the impact of major crises on the church. With key insight into suffering and theodicy affect Christianity and the gospel message, these authors examine challenging topics from genocide to refugee crises. Authors explore biblical themes for modern missional practice and consider how global and cultural perspectives can influence readings of biblical texts. This collection also provides readers with insight into proper biblical hermeneutics and techniques for creative preaching.

Langham Monographs (21 vols.)

  • Series: Langham Monographs
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 21
  • Pages: 6,964

The Langham Monographs present works of evangelical scholars from the developing world. These comprehensive expositions tackle contemporary, regional issues, as well as theological and biblical topics. Discover the impact violence, urban poverty, and culture have on the growing African church and how living out biblical and theological values can positively affect such struggling nations as Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Sudan. See what studying Scripture in its literary, cultural, and socio-political contexts can do to transform passages like Philippians 3:10–20, Psalm 145, and John 15:1–17. Examine the role the doctrine of the Holy Spirit plays in Reformed orthodoxy and Protestant systematic theology. See what present missiological approaches look like among varying religious groups. Explore the history of Christianity in Suriname and discover how economics and culture shape Christian leaders’ approaches to ministry in China and the North African Church.

Langham New Monographs (12 vols.)

  • Series: Langham Monographs
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 3,898

The Langham New Monographs 12 volume collection is filled with useful observations and best-practices formed through cross-cultural ministry settings. Expert authors explore the history of Bible translation and the positive and negative effects of missionary work. Discover the impact of theological education styles on the effectiveness of their students and the struggles faced by theology students with English as a second or foreign language. Authors explore Old Testament themes for modern missional practice. This collection also provides readers with insight into proper biblical hermeneutics and techniques for creative preaching.

Langham Monographs Collection 3 (18 vols.)

  • Series: Langham Monographs
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 18
  • Pages: 6,067

The Langham Monographs series is filled with useful observations and best-practices formed through cross-cultural ministry settings. Expert authors explore the global effects of Christianity and different perspectives and views on the Bible. Discover the impact of theological education styles on the effectiveness of their students. Authors explore biblical themes for modern missional practice.

Langham Preaching Collection 2 (8 vols.)

  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 1,501

Teaching the Bible is a challenging task to which God calls teachers and preachers. This collection provides practical and relevant advice on preaching the Bible in a more engaging and effective manner. Included volumes explain common challenges and also present the key theological foundations for preaching any biblical text. In addition this collection helps pastors and teachers understand specific challenges regarding preaching Revelation. The collection also highlights recent developments in preaching and includes proven advice for successfully preparing sermons.

Langham’s Global Perspective Series (5 vols.)

  • Series: Global Perspectives
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 904

A modern perspective on missional practice draws lessons from the scriptures, from two thousand years of missional church history, and takes seriously modern mission innovations that are well-suited for modern settings. Volumes in this collection contain insight from African settings, South American mission, and apply ancient techniques for teaching the Bible in a modern setting. With this collection, readers may learn about thoughtful mission practitioners and their attempts to faithfully and creatively communicate the gospel cross-culturally.

Langham’s Global Perpective Series 2 (7 vols.)

  • Series: Series: Global Perspectives
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 7
  • Pages: 1,684

A modern perspective on missional practice draws lessons from the scriptures, from two thousand years of missional church history, and takes seriously modern mission innovations that are well-suited for modern settings. Volumes in this collection contain insight from African settings, South American mission, and apply ancient techniques for teaching the Bible in a modern setting. With this collection, readers may learn about thoughtful mission practitioners and their attempts to faithfully and creatively communicate the gospel cross-culturally.

Langham’s Resources for Theological Education (7 vols.)

  • Series: Series: Global Perspectives
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 7
  • Pages: 1,684

The process of theological education has always been an exercise in learning the cultural setting of the Bible. A modern understanding of the course development and mentorship takes into account the culture of the student, the cultural values of the local community in which the school is found, and the importance of creating an identity-forming culture of Christ-centered learning and excellence. This collection presents readers with the necessity of thoughtful cross-cultural interaction in today’s interconnected global culture. With great care and appropriate depth, these volumes will provide guidance for those whose calling involves building up the church through higher education.

The Global Christian Library (8 vols.)

  • Series: The Global Christian Library
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 1,303

The Lausanne Movement is a network of leaders, thinkers, and reflective practitioners that serve the body of Christ as a catalyst for engaging major issues. The Global Christian Library series provides inter-cultural exposition and application of the Christian faith, within the framework of the Lausanne Covenant, by authors from the international evangelical community. This series includes a wide-range of topics, including missions, salvation, faith, the Holy Spirit, and more.

Compassion and the Mission of God: Revealing the Invisible Kingdom

  • Author: Rupen Das
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 236

This book traces God’s compassion as it is revealed in the Old and New Testaments, exploring the expression and impact of compassion in the early church through its actions and teachings. Focusing on the church’s responsibility to be compassionate, Dr. Rupen Das underlines the theological and missiological questions central to any discussion on the compassion of God.

Deuteronomy: The God Who Keeps Promises

  • Author: Paul Barker
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Pages: 118

In this clear introduction to Deuteronomy aimed for preachers, pastors and Bible students, Paul Barker covers the major themes and issues of the fifth book of the Bible. Helpful study questions at the end of each chapter provide opportunity for discussion in groups. This integral Old Testament book comes alive in this very useful guide. In Deuteronomy we discover the rich theology of the God who keeps promises, for Deuteronomy is a book which encourages and persuades us to trust in a faithful God.

Every Believer a Disciple!: Joining in God’s Mission

  • Author: David E. Bjork
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 258

How can we explain why so many of us in our churches are so unlike Jesus in the way we think and act? What can we change in our understanding and practices to facilitate life transformation and spiritual multiplication? In answering these questions, the author proposes an alternative ecclesial and missional paradigm that will enable us to better equip and mobilize believers in the mission that Christ gave to us all—to make disciples!

God’s Word for Today’s World

  • Author: John R.W. Stott
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 70

Nothing is more important than hearing, understanding and obeying God’s Word. Our lives and local churches depend on this for their life, health and growth. John Stott is well known worldwide for the commitment he has to the Bible, both in his preaching and in his living. In this persuasive book, Stott concisely demonstrates the power, authority and relevance of the Bible for every Christian—in every culture and generation.

Missio Politica: The Mission of Church and Politics

  • Author: Johannes Reimer
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Pages: 166

Evangelical Christians in many countries shy away from politics. And yet, especially with the rise of the Pentecostal and charismatic movements, the interest and involvement in political activity is becoming a daily reality in evangelical circles. At the same time, evangelical politicians are not exempt from scandals of corruption and complaints of ineffectiveness. Are Christians unable to do better politics than others? Are they less prepared? Is even the whole political involvement of Christians under question? In this book, Dr Johannes Reimer explores the answers to these questions by articulating a theology of the church’s political mission. The church is not a political party, but as God’s ecclesia, it has a prophetic voice and is called out of the world to take responsibility for the world.

The Challenge of Preaching

  • Authors: John Stott and Greg Scharf
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 138

John Stott, one of the great biblical preachers of our day, reflects on the principles that govern good preaching and provides practical advice to anyone who preaches. He stresses the need for careful listening, both to God’s Word and to the contemporary world, and urges that the preacher’s life supports his message. This book is a condensation of John Stott’s earlier work I Believe in Preaching. Greg Scharf has supplemented it with material that addresses more recent developments in preaching and church life.

The Future of Humanity: Preaching from Revelation 4 to 22

  • Author: Murray Robertson
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 152

In this careful double exposition of the Bible and Islam, Ida Glaser and Hannah Kay emphasize godly attitudes, loving action and a deep appreciation of God’s grace and goodness as essential traits of any Christian. The authors walk the reader through two underlying frameworks necessary to think biblically about Islam. Examining the themes of the land, zeal, law and the cross in Luke’s Gospel and the Old Testament stories of Moses and Elijah, we are led to better understand the Bible, Islam and God’s heart towards Muslims.

Thinking Biblically about Islam: Genesis, Transfiguration, Transformation

  • Authors: Ida Glaser and Hannah Kay
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 346

In this careful double exposition of the Bible and Islam, Ida Glaser and Hannah Kay emphasize godly attitudes, loving action and a deep appreciation of God’s grace and goodness as essential traits of any Christian. The authors walk the reader through two underlying frameworks necessary to think biblically about Islam. Examining the themes of the land, zeal, law and the cross in Luke’s Gospel and the Old Testament stories of Moses and Elijah, we are led to better understand the Bible, Islam and God’s heart towards Muslims.

Thinking Theologically about Language Teaching: Christian Perspectives on an Educational Calling

  • Editor: Cheri Pierson
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Pages: 274

Christians can often overlook the need to bring their daily vocations in accord with the reality created, sustained, and purposed through Christ. This is no less true for language teachers, who find themselves at a difficult interdisciplinary crossroads where the paths of linguistics, culture and education merge. This challenge should not discourage these educators, but instead aid them in their journey to form a pedagogy rooted in theological truths from Scripture, one that provides a nuanced approach that glorifies God in a manner specific to the language classroom. The contributors of this book outline why and how theology must inform teaching methods so that Christian language educators might better serve their students with both faith and excellence, thereby pointing them to the communicative God whose image they bear.

Writing and Research: A Guide for Theological Students

  • Author: Kevin Gary Smith
  • Publisher: Langham
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 218

Written in a simple yet engaging style, Dr. Kevin Smith applies his years of experience and expertise in scholarly writing and research in this one-volume guide. Perfect as an introduction for new and continuing undergraduate or postgraduate students, this publication provides helpful guidelines and illustrations on all the elements that go into producing an academic work. Combining specific instruction on researching and preparing an academic work, as well as practical advice for task management, makes this an ideal go-to guide for students and supervisors alike.


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    Collection value: $2,588.69
    Save $388.70 (15%)
    Starting at $97.65/mo at checkout