Digital Logos Edition
The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Students’ Source Book is the successor to the Source Book for Bible Students published in 1919 and revised in 1922. Like its predecessor, this Source Book includes only material by authors who are not Seventh-day Adventists. The object of the collection is to provide background information and documentation from primary and secondary sources on various subjects relating to the Bible and Biblical topics. Users can find topics in the alphabetical headings running through the body of the work or in the general index. At the beginning of each extract is found information as to where the material was obtained: author, title, edition, and inclusive paging of the portion presented.
“Hobbes could truthfully say of the Papacy that it was ‘the ghost of the Roman Empire” (Page 842)
“Christ would occur on October 22, 1844, which was the date that year of the Jewish Day of Atonement” (Page 16)
“For the power of consecrating and offering the body and blood of our Lord and of forgiving sins” (Page 214)
“Pepin the Frank granted the pope political and territorial authority in Ravenna. It was thus that the pope first acquired temporal dominion.” (Page 204)
“Adventists except those who held to the observance of the seventh, rather than the first, day of the week as the Sabbath” (Page 17)
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