Digital Logos Edition
The Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Minor Prophets Upgrade presents an impressive balance of perspectives from the history of biblical scholarship on the final twelve books of the Old Testament. With contributing voices from Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the contributors here provide an international taste of scholarship on the Minor Prophets from a wide set of perspectives. Some are fully entrenched in the higher criticism and critical exegesis, while others emphasize the traditional historic positions for interpreting the Biblical text. Still others are designed to focus directly on the pastoral needs of the Church. These perspectives give readers opportunity for fresh insight into the Minor Prophets.
Japheth ben Ali’s commentaries are famous for their insight into important debates between different sects of Judaism about the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. His commentary on Nahum focuses on the importance of grammar and lexicography for interpreting Scripture. Japheth’s work demonstrates the degree to which rigorous biblical study existed in the Muslim world in the 8th century. The editor, Hartwig Hirschfeld provides an introduction, the Arabic text along with notes and an abridged translation of Japheth’s work.
Japheth ben Eli Ha-Levi was the foremost Karaite commentator on the Bible during the “Golden Age of Karaism”.
Hengstenberg originally intended to write a large comprehensive introduction to Old Testament studies that would provide a scholarly challenge to the results of high criticism. His purpose was to provide a rational argument for the historicity of the entire Bible. While this task proved too great, Hengstenberg was successful in laying out just such an argument for a number of books, including here the Prophets Daniel and Zechariah. Beyond the basis thesis of Henstenberg’s scholarly program, his work provides useful insight into the Hebrew and Greek text of these books, as well as regularly reference to contemporary ancient literature.
Ernst Wilhelm Theodor Herrmann Hengstenberg (October 20, 1802 – May 28, 1869), was a German Lutheran churchman and neo-Lutheran theologian. He was born at Frondenberg, a Westphalian village, and was educated by his father, who was a minister of the Reformed Church and head of the Frondenberg convent of canonesses (Fräuleinstift).
Pocock’s commentary on Hosea is a classic and important work in the history of English scholarship on the Bible. Highly praised by Spurgeon and grounded in Pocock’s evangelical theology, his commentary serves as an important way point in the history of scholarship on Hosea.
Edward Pococke was an English Orientalist and biblical scholar.
John Van Eaton’s commentary on these two books of Old Testament prophecy are an exemplary model for the expository preacher. Van Eaton demonstrates a balance of careful exegesis along side a rich collection of practical suggestions for interpretation and application.
John Van Eaton was the pastor of the United Presbyterian Congregation of York, New York
The twelve short books at at the end of the Old Testament in English Bibles are known as the Minor Prophets. This is not a claim about importance, but rather only size. Several provide little in terms of the historical context in which they were written. While others provide an explicit historical context, such as Zephaniah, dated to the final days of the Kingdom of Judah before its destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC. The lectures that William Kelly presents here provide essential background for understanding the purpose and context of each of the twelve Minor Prophets.
William Kelly (1823–1906), born in Ireland, moved to London after attending Trinity College in Dublin. Deeply involved with the Plymouth Brethren, he also became a prolific writer, earning the respect of theologians such as Henry Alford. He is quoted as having said “There are three things real—the Cross, the enmity of the world, the love of God.”
Missions and the Minor Prophets: A Series of Bible Studies provides a brief collection of Bible studies that examines the relevance of the Minor Prophets for the topic of Christian missions. The author, F. S. Guy Warman, studies Jonah, Joel, Amos, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, each along grounded in a particular theme. For example, he examines the themes of Jonah as a missionary to the heathens, Joel as a social reformer, and Malachi as the messenger of Advent.
F. S. Guy Warman was Principal of St. Aidan’s Theological College, Birkenhead
The prophets stand at the head of the various groups of teachers whose teachings are recorded in the Old Testament. Through their words and deeply personal experiences are the eternal truths that are foundational of Israel’s faith. A clear understanding of their purposes, methods, and messages provides a valuable key for interpreting the Old Testament, all the while pointing toward the New Testament.
Charles Foster Kent (1867–1925) was born in Palmyra, New York, and educated at Yale, Yale Divinity School, and the University of Berlin. After working as an instructor at the University of Chicago and a professor of biblical literature and history at Brown University, he became Woolsey Professor of Biblical Literature at Yale University in 1901. He was a prolific author and editor, and his works include The Wise Men of Ancient Israel and Their Proverbs, Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament, Israel’s Laws and Legal Precedents, and Israel’s Historical and Biographical Narratives.
Paul Haupt’s critical commentary on the Hebrew text of Nahum presents a serious analysis of this minor prophet and creative approach to its translation. Haupt contends that Nahum is not prophecy, but rather a liturgical collection of poems—two from the Maccabean and two form the fall of Nineveh in 606 BC.
Paul Haupt was a Semitic scholar, one of the pioneers of Assyriology in the United States.
Samuel R. Driver is famous for his rigorous and academic scholarship. It is less commonly known that he contributed to the Church pastorally as well. This volume presents a collection of sermons by Driver, published after he passed away focused on the Prophets. In his preaching Driver’s aim was always to help the regular people in the pew understand Scripture better, especially the Old Testament. He always desired to show how the Bible might become intelligible and speak to people with a living voice.
Samuel Rolles Driver, FBA was an English divine and Hebrew scholar. He devoted his life to the study, both textual and critical, of the Old Testament.
The People’s Bible is not a commentary in the usual sense. Rather than providing a technical treatise for the scholar, word or phrase by phrase, the People’s Bible is a pastor’s commentary that focuses primarily on those sections of Scripture that are of obvious and immediate value for the spiritual growth of the soul. Rather than working through the minutiae of critical discussion and analysis, Joseph Parker focuses on discovering the governing idea and principal purpose of each book of Scripture. Here he examines the governing themes of the final books of the Old Testament.
Joseph Parker (1830–1902) studied at University College and Cavendish College. He was a pastor in Banbury from 1853 to 1858 and then at Cavendish Street Chapel in Manchester until 1869, when he became the pastor of Poultry Chapel in London. He served as chairman of the London Congregational Board and the Congregational Union of England and Wales.
Willis Judson Beecher demonstrated one primary strength throughout The Prophets and the Promise, that of unflagging consistency. He made the case that all of the prophets and, for that matter, all of the Scriptures describe a single promise, as originally offered to Abraham, recast and rearticulated in various forms throughout the history of Israel, but never compromised or changed.
Willis J. Beecher is the author of Reasonable Biblical Criticism
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Ronald Burtch
Tom Hartley
Leonard Crawford