Digital Logos Edition
This is the most complete collection of Charles Spurgeon's sermons available in print or digitally! In this collection there are over 3,550 sermons from one of the most gifted speakers and blessed Christian leaders of our era.
This collection is an invaluable tool in both sermon preparation and understanding. Additionally, The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection can also serve as a full Bible commentary as there are sermons and expositions from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
This product is a complete digital edition of the Pilgrim Publications print edition—chronologically compiled from volume 1 to 63.
What’s more, the Logos edition makes the Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection more widely available and easier to access than ever! From the countless Scripture references linked straight to the biblical text, to the powerful search tools in your digital library, the Logos edition lets you encounter Spurgeon like never before. Logos also makes navigating lengthy, multi-volume works easier than ever—topics and Scripture references can be searched instantly with the click of a mouse. The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection is a must-have for pastors and teachers, and anyone interested studying the church’s most important preacher and most prolific writer.
Do you already own the Ages edition of The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection (63 vols.) that was built for Libronix? Then you will receive this updated collection for free, and the files will automatically download. The previous edition was created many years ago, using the best digital files available at the time. We have rebuilt The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection from the ground up—this collection contains new, updated files. Enhance your library with over 3,500 sermons from the "Prince of Preachers" by ordering this collection today!
I have turned to Charles Spurgeon in these days for help, and I have not been disappointed. . . . I think the word "indefatigable" was created for people like Charles Spurgeon.
. . . The greatest Bible preacher outside of Scripture.
With whom among men can you compare [Spurgeon]? He combined the preaching power of Jonathan Edwards and Whitefield with the organizing power of Wesley, and the energy, fire, and courage of Luther.
—B. H. Carroll
Some of earth's great ones have no doubt sunk into oblivion, but among those whom history remembers only those are great whom history greatens. Spurgeon is among that number.
—W. Y. Fullerton
There was no voice in the Victorian pulpit as resonant, no preacher as beloved by the people, no orator as prodigious as Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
—Hughes Oliphant Old
Spurgeon combined oratorical prowess and evangelistic fervor with a deep concern for social issues . . . . Despite both his fame and his larger-than-life talent, Spurgeon retained a sense of reverence for the responsibility and act of preaching.
—Richard Lischer
Charles Haddon Spurgeon is one of evangelical Christianity’s immortals.
Mr. Spurgeon laid his foundation in the Bible. His utterances abound with Scriptural text, figure, metaphor, and allusion. Whatever he says sends his hearers to the sacred record. But starting from this basis, he has added to it a stock of reading such as few men can show in their talk or in their writing. He cannot be accused of not being a man of the world, or of not knowing the ways of the world, for he reads the Book and the book of nature too. His style is illustrated with almost pictorial brightness.
—The Times
As sermons they stand alone. Unequalled by any other published sermons, by men now in the pulpit or by those of other generations.
—The Standard
Each setence is a cluster of diamonds, some rough, but all of them real. Each discourse has the genuine gospel ring that proves it to have been coined in the mint of heaven.
—The Christian, London
The Paul of his time.
—The Missionary Review
The impression I shall carry with me to my dying day was that of a man who had found life made real, noble, joyous, by his living faith in a living Christ, and who longed to impart to others the life which Christ had imparted to him.
—Lyman Abbot, Outlook
Translated as Mr. Spurgeon's Sermons have been into nearly all the languages of the world, their popularity at home is a fact that admits no dispute, and needs no enforcement. The subjects of many texts are handled by him in a manner that shows his complete mastery of the highest rhetorical art of exposition.
—The Daily Telegraph
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Volume one contains sermons 1–53.
Volume two contains sermons 54–106.
Volume three contains sermons 107–164.
Volume four contains sermons 165–224.
Volume five contains sermons 225–285.
Volume six contains sermons 286–347.
Volume seven contains sermons 348–426.
Volume eight contains sermons 427–486.
Volume nine contains sermons 487–546.
Volume ten contains sermons 547–606.
Volume eleven contains sermons 607–667.
Volume twelve contains sermons 668–727.
Volume thirteen contains sermons 728–787.
Volume fourteen contains sermons 788–847.
Volume fifteen contains sermons 848–907.
Volume sixteen contains sermons 908–967.
Volume seventeen contains sermons 968–1,027.
Volume eighteen contains sermons 1,028–1,088.
Volume nineteen contains sermons 1,089–1,149.
Volume twenty contains sermons 1,150–1,209.
Volume twenty-one contains sermons 1,210–1,270.
Volume twenty-two contains sermons 1,271–1,330.
Volume twenty-three contains sermons 1,331–1,390.
Volume twenty-four contains sermons 1,391–1,450.
Volume twenty-five contains sermons 1,451–1,510.
Volume twenty-six contains sermons 1,511–1,574.
Volume twenty-seven contains sermons 1,575–1,636.
Volume twenty-eight contains sermons 1,637–1,697.
Volume twney-nine contains sermons 1,698–1,756.
Volume thirty contains sermons 1,757–1,815.
Volume thirty-one contains sermons 1,816–1,876.
Volume thirty-two contains sermons 1,877–1,937.
Volume thirty-three contains sermons 1,938–2000.
Volume thirty-four contains sermons 2,001–2,061.
Volume thirty-five contains sermons 2,062–2,120.
Volume thirty-six contains sermons 2,121–2,181.
Volume thirty-seven contains sermons 2,182–2,236.
Volume thirty-eight contains sermons 2,237–2,288.
Volume thirty-nine contains sermons 2,289–2,341.
Volume forty contains sermons 2,342–2,393.
Volume forty-one contains sermons 2,394–2,445.
Volume forty-two contains sermons 2,2446–2,497.
Volume forty-three contains sermons 2,498–2,549.
Volume forty-four contains sermons 2,550–2,602.
Volume forty-five contains sermons 2,603–2,655.
Volume forty-six contains sermons 2,656–2,707.
Volume forty-seven contains sermons 2,708–2,759.
Volume forty-eight contains sermons 2,760–2,811.
Volume forty-nine contains sermons 2,812–2,863.
Volume fifty contains sermons 2,864–2,915.
Volume fifty-one contains sermons 2,916–2,967.
Volume fifty-two contains sermons 2,968–3,019.
Volume fifty-three contains sermons 3,020–3,072.
Volume fifty-four contains sermons 3,073–3,124.
Volume fifty-five contains sermons 3,125–3,177.
Volume fifty-six contains sermons 3,178–3,230.
Volume fifty-seven contains sermons 3,231–3,282.
Volume fifty-eight contains sermons 3,283–3,334.
Volume fifty-nine contains sermons 3,335–3,386.
Volume sixty contains sermons 3,387–3,439.
Volume sixty-one contains sermons 3,440–3492.
Volume sixty-two contains sermons 3,493–3,544.
Volume sixty-three contains sermons 3,545–3,561.
Charles Spurgeon was born in Kelvedon, Essex, England on June 19, 1834. He converted to Christianity in 1850 at a small Methodist chapel, to which he detoured during a snowstorm. While there, he heard a sermon on Isaiah 45:22 and was saved—“Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else.” He began his own ministry of preaching and teaching immediately, and preached more than 500 sermons by the age of twenty.
In 1854, at nineteen years of age, Spurgeon began preaching at the New Park Street Chapel in London. He was appointed to a six month trial position, which he requested be cut to three months should the congregation dislike his preaching. He gained instant fame, however, and the church grew from 232 members to more than five thousand at the end of his pastorate. Many of his sermons were published each week and regularly sold more than 25,000 copies in twenty languages. Throughout his ministry, Spurgeon estimated that he preached to more than 10,000,000 people. Dwight L. Moody was deeply influenced by Spurgeon’s preaching, and founded the Moody Bible Institute after seeing Spurgeon’s work at the Pastor’s College in London.
Spurgeon read six books per week during his adult life, and read Pilgrim’s Progress more than 100 times. In addition to his studying and preaching, Spurgeon also founded the Pastor’s College (now Spurgeon’s College), various orphanages and schools, mission chapels, and numerous other social institutions.
Charles Spurgeon suffered from poor health throughout his life. He died on January 31, 1892, and was buried in London.
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