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Products>Obras escogidas de Benjamin Warfield

Obras escogidas de Benjamin Warfield

, 2015
ISBN: 9789968894821
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Este libro recoge cuatro breve obras del teólogo Benjamin Warfield: El plan de salvación; Autoridad, intelecto y corazón; El significado fundamental de la Cena del Señor; Santificación total.

Benjamín B. Warfield fue director del Seminario Princeton de 1887 a 1921. Es considerado el último gran teólogo de Princeton antes de su división en 1929, la cual dio origen al Seminario Westminster y a la Iglesia Presbiteriana Ortodoxa.

Top Highlights

“El deísmo implica una concepción mecánica del universo” (Page 7)

“hombre es capaz de ser libre del pecado, y también de guardar los mandamientos de Dios’6.” (Pages 25–26)

Detalles del producto

  • Título: Obras escogidas de Benjamin Warfield
  • Autor: Benjamin B. Warfield
  • Editorial: Editorial Clir
  • Fecha de publicación: 2015
  • Páginas: 120
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield

B. B. Warfield (1851–1921) was a prolific writer, accomplished scholar, and ranks as one of America’s greatest theologians. After studying mathematics and science at Princeton University, he enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1873, where he was taught by Charles Hodge, in order to train for ministry as a Presbyterian minister. He later returned to America and taught at Western Theological Seminary (now Pittsburgh Theological Seminary).

In 1881, Benjamin B. Warfield co-wrote an article with A. A. Hodge on the inspiration of Scripture—a subject which dominated his scholarly pursuits throughout the remainder of his lifetime. When A. A. Hodge died in 1887, Warfield became a professor of theology at Princeton, where he taught from 1887 until 1921.

History remembers Warfield as one of the last great Princeton Theologians prior to the seminary’s re-organization and the split in the Presbyterian Church.

Warfield is known as one of Reformed theology’s most ardent defenders. The foundation to Warfield’s theology was his adherence to Calvinism as supported by the Westminster Confession of Faith and much of his writings are centered on this.

He has authored many books in his lifetime, including The Atonement and Modern Thought in the Classic Studies on the Atonement collection, Westminster Doctrine anent Holy Scripture: Tractates by A. A. Hodge and B. B. Warfield, and the titles included in the B. B. Warfield Collection.

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  1. Romina Alarcon
    Buenisimo !
  2. Miguel Gomez

    Miguel Gomez

