Digital Logos Edition
Robert Letham’s award winning The Holy Trinity receives a well-considered update in a revised and expanded new edition. Letham examines the doctrine of the Trinity’s biblical foundations and traces its historical development before engaging critical issues. This new edition addresses developments in Augustine studies, teaching on the Trinity and election in Barth studies, East-West relations, and evangelical disputes on the relation of the Son to the Father.
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“Second, we need to recapture and refashion a Trinitarian view of creation.” (Page xxxvi)
“Fourth, a fully self-conscious Trinitarian theology is indispensable for the future progress of evangelism and missions.” (Page xxxvii)
“Bavinck goes even further, arguing that ‘without generation [of the Son by the Father] creation would not be possible. If in an absolute sense God could not communicate himself to the Son, he would be even less able, in a relative sense, to communicate himself to his creature. If God were not triune, creation would not be possible.’16 This is borne out by hints in the OT of distinction within the unity of the one God.” (Page 9)
“We also note Isaiah 6:3, where the prophet, in his vision of the exalted Yahweh, hears the trisagion ‘Holy, holy, holy’ in the mouths of the seraphim. This is another example of what, on the face of it, was originally understood as a threefold ascription of praise to God but that on later reflection, in the light of fuller NT revelation, bears the impress of the three-personed God.” (Pages 16–17)
“In a somewhat different way, postmodernism is unable to account for unity-in-diversity. Islam is a militant and monolithic unifying principle, with no provision for diversity, but postmodernism is a militant diversifying principle without a basis for unity. Its rejection of objective knowledge and absolute truth claims leaves it with no way to account for order in the world.” (Page xxxvii)
Robert Letham’s outstanding book (this substantially updated and expanded version is even better than the first) covers all the bases well, and yet still leaves us in awe of the incomprehensible mystery of our triune God.
—Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
The ancient doctrine of the Trinity has stirred up new discussion since Letham’s acclaimed first edition, but the author has kept up with what has been going on. . . . Letham continues to display more of his learning and more of his characteristic watchfulness when met by the latest Trinitarian neologisms and analogies.
—Paul Helm, Emeritus Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London
Letham is a master of historical theology. He brings his immense learning to bear on many contemporary Trinitarian issues in an astute and compelling way. Anyone who reads this work will be greatly informed and enriched.
—George Hunsinger, Hazel Thompson McCord Professor of Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary