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Products>Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection (8 vols.)

Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Any study of Catholicism must begin with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Officially promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, it is the first “universal” Catholic catechism since the Reformation, and only the second in history. It is an epochal work that expresses the tenets of the Catholic faith consistent with their articulation at the Second Vatican Council, while remaining in organic unity with the tradition of the Church, drawing in abundance on the sources of Sacred Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, the liturgy, and magisterial authority. If one wants to know what the Catholic Church teaches, the Catechism, as John Paul II stated, is the “sure norm.”

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection, thousands of the Catechism’s citations come alive, linking to the original documents. The collection gets you behind the Catechism’s summary of the faith and into the primary sources themselves. It includes the most important texts the Catechism cites, and so lets you see not only what the contemporary Church teaches, but what it bases this teaching on. You can use the Catechism as a type of commentary on the other texts in the collection—for example, you can quickly find every instance of the Catechism’s citing a certain Bible verse or document of Vatican II. The collection includes the Lectionary of the Catholic Church, so the Catechism becomes an automatic companion to the daily readings.

With the Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection, the Catechism is transformed from a summary of Catholicism into a gateway to the Catholic faith.

  • Details of the doctrine, dogma, and the basic tenets of the Catholic Church
  • Essential works of Catholic theology and dogma in the English language
  • Complete three-year cycle of readings from the Catholic Lectionary
  • Title: Catechism of the Catholic Church Collection
  • Volumes: 9

Catechism of the Catholic Church (U.S. Edition with Glossary and Index)

  • Publisher: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • Publication Date: 2000

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Any study of Catholicism must begin with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Officially promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, it is the first “universal” Catholic catechism since the Reformation and only the second in history. It is an epochal work that expresses the tenets of the Catholic faith consistent with their articulation at the Second Vatican Council while remaining in organic unity with the tradition of the Church, drawing in abundance on the sources of Sacred Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, the liturgy, and magisterial authority. If one wants to know what the Catholic Church teaches, the Catechism, as John Paul II stated, is the “sure norm.”

The beauty and profundity of the text is such that while it was intended as a reference work, it is often read as devotional literature, permeated as it is with a subtle theology of love and communion. It is nevertheless comprehensive in its treatment, covering everything from contraception to the doctrine of the Trinity, and from Purgatory to papal infallibility.

The Catechism is organized around the most shared aspects of the Christian faith—for example, the Apostles’ Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Our Father—so is a welcome tool for facilitating dialogue between all Christians. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, oversaw the drafting of the text, and he has repeatedly pointed to the Catechism as a significant step toward an authoritative interpretation of the “Spirit of Vatican II,” a cessation of the conflicts that have often sent the Church in the aftermath of the council, and a rapprochement with those Christians whom the council termed “Separated Brethren.”

Indeed, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a work that deserves a place in every Christian’s library.

Vatican II Documents

  • Publisher: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
  • Publication Date: 2011

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Nearly a century after the First Vatican Council, the Second Vatican Council, commonly known as Vatican II, was held between 1962 and 1965. This assembly, invoked by Pope John XXIII, met to discuss matters of faith and Church discipline. Over 2,000 patriarchs, cardinals, residing bishops, abbots, male heads of religious orders, and other nominated persons participated each autumn in the four-year event. From this assembly, four constitutions, three declarations, and nine decrees were produced, creating major changes for Catholic life and worship worldwide. The Vatican II Documents is essential for understanding the spirited, and sometimes contentious, conversations within Catholicism for the last fifty years.

The Logos Bible Software edition of the Vatican II Documents is the English translation published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana. With the extensively linked Vatican II Documents, resources such as the Early Church Fathers Special Catholic Edition, the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, and the Catholic Theology and Dogma Collection become even more powerful as you explore them together.

The Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

This edition of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible has been prepared for use by Catholics by a committee of the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain. It is an authorized revision of the American Standard Version, which was first published in 1901.

Douay-Rheims Bible

For five centuries, the Douay-Rheims Bible has remained one of the standard English-language Bible translations for Roman Catholics around the world. The first and most enduring translation of the Latin Vulgate, the Douay-Rheims was translated at the end of the sixteenth century at the initiative of Gregory Martin. It quickly rose in popularity among English Catholics—becoming an essential part of the Catholic identity during the English Counter-Reformation—and it has been reprinted hundreds of times in the centuries that followed.

Logos is pleased to offer Richard Challoner's revision of the Douay-Rheims Bible, which eliminated archaic words and English Latinisms and made the Bible more accessible to English-speaking Catholics. This revision, first published in America in 1790, has undergone numerous reprintings throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, making it the best-selling and most widely used English translation of the Vulgate.

The Sources of Catholic Dogma

  • Author: Henry Denzinger
  • Publisher: B. Herder Book Co.
  • Publication Date: 1957
  • Pages: 715

Denzinger’s collection of articles of faith and morality for the Catholic Church is widely used as a comprehensive reference book. Presented in a practical and accessible manner, it includes dogmatic definitions, creeds of the faith, and decrees of Church leadership. Since its first printing a century and a half ago, this book has earned accolades and compared to other Catholic scholarly works, wide appeal. First published in 1854 as Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum, Denzinger’s Sources of Catholic Dogma is among the most important works of dogmatic theology in print today.

This book should be on the shelves of every English-speaking Catholic, beside a copy of The Haydock Bible (The Douay-Rheims Old and New Testament) and Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma. The Bible is the only perfect book, but these books will provide a lifetime of contemplation of ‘those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect’ (Pope Pius X, Acerbo Nimis, 2).

—Mark Michael Zima, author of Mother Teresa: The Case for the Cause

Heinrich Joseph Dominicus Denzinger (1819–1844) was a prominent Catholic theologian. He received his PhD at Würzburg and also studied in Rome. He was ordained in 1844 and became Professor of Dogmatic theology at Würzburg in 1848.

The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent

  • Translator: Theodore Alois Buckly
  • Publisher: George Routledge and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1958
  • Pages: 544

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

The Council of Trent convened in response to the teaching and rapid spread of the Protestant Reformation. In fact, its primary intent was to condemn and refute every Reformed doctrine. The Council issued numerous decrees and formal statements of Catholic doctrine on topics of salvation, the sacraments, and the canon. This council met for 25 sessions between 1545 and 1563. The decrees issued at Trent have never been overturned, and many were reaffirmed again at the Second Vatican Council during the 1960s.

The Decrees of the Vatican Council (Vatican I-English)

  • Editor: Vincent McNabb
  • Publisher: Benziger Brothers
  • Publication Date: 1907
  • Pages: 47

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

The First Vatican Council, the 20th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, met 300 hundred years after the Council of Trent. It was convened in order to refute modern theological differences and define Catholic doctrine in response to the rise of modernism. The First Vatican Council approved two constitutions: one the Dogmatic Constitution of the Catholic Faith: the other—famously— a constitution on papal infallibility. The council also clarified the role of the pope in the Roman Catholic Church.

Vincent McNabb (1868–1943) was a Dominican scholar who studied Theology at St. Malachys College in Belfast and at the University of Louvain.

McNabb was familiar with Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and he often discoursed on scholastic writings such as Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. McNabb sought to unify the Anglican and Catholic doctrines and heavily promoted that desire across his works.

The Catechism of the Council of Trent

  • Author: Sylvester Joseph Hunter
  • Publisher: George Routledge and Co.
  • Publication Date: 1852
  • Pages: 591

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Previously called the Roman Catechism, The Catechism of the Council of Trent is considered by many the most important Catholic catechism. Originally designed as a resource for parish priests to provide instruction, it is now used extensively by laypeople as a source of core Catholic theology. It contains the basic tenets of the Catholic faith, providing clear explanations of what is necessary for salvation. It also includes material on the Ten Commandments, the Apostles Creed, the Sacraments, and more.

The Council of Trent commissioned the first Church-wide catechism, finished in 1564. Dealing with growing concern in the Church over the Protestant Reformation, the Council recognized the need for a document to teach the basics of the Catholic faith. The first English translation of the catechism was completed in 1839.

Every Catholic home should have this important catechism about the Holy Catholic Faith as it was reaffirmed by the present Holy Father, Benedict XVI, to be an important Catholic catechism.

—Online reviewer

Sylvester Joseph Hunter (1829–1896) was born in Bath, and his family moved to London shortly thereafter. He attended St. Paul’s School before enrolling at Trinity College in Cambridge. He graduated in 1852 and began practicing law, publishing two legal textbooks. In 1857, Hunter converted to Catholicism, following his two sisters into the church. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1861 and was ordained as a priest in 1870. Hunter quickly became a respected writer and scholar, earning a teaching post at Stonyhurst College. He began training Jesuit priests in 1875, when he was appointed rector of St. Beuno’s College. Sylvester Joseph Hunter died only two years after the first edition of his three-volume Outlines of Dogmatic Theology was published.

Catholic Lectionary

  • Publication Date: 2009

The Catholic Lectionary contains the readings used at Mass for Sundays, feasts and weekdays of the liturgical year.

Created to fulfill the desire of the Second Vatican Council to open up the treasures of the Bible more lavishly in the liturgy, its three-year cycle of readings is followed by Catholic churches around the world and also formed the basis for the Revised Common Lectionary used by many Protestant Christians.

Organized by calendar date, the Logos Catholic Lectionary allows you to easily find the readings of the week and read them in your preferred translation.

Using Lectionary Resources in Logos Bible Software

The readings are arranged by calendar date, and the book automatically opens at the next set of readings. For each Sunday or feast, the title, the season, and the liturgical color is given. The text of the readings for the day is displayed in the translation you specify at the top of the panel, and Logos provides links to open your Bible or (if you right-click) to quickly open up Logos guides, tools, and searches for deeper study and sermon preparation.

For more general study, you can also find a complete listing of readings organized by liturgical event (i.e., more like a print lectionary that you can reuse year to year) in the “Index of Readings” found at the end of the lectionary.


29 ratings

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  1. Adam



  2. Adam



  3. Dr. Anthony Mazak
  4. Anthony Amedo

    Anthony Amedo


    Hope this will available in the Philippines.
  5. Peter Bancroft
  6. Dan Osborn

    Dan Osborn


  7. Jeremy Korell

    Jeremy Korell


  8. Nathan Chapman

    Nathan Chapman


  9. Denise Green

    Denise Green


  10. Cecilia Chai

    Cecilia Chai


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