Digital Logos Edition
Interpreting Paul brings together N. T. Wright’s most important articles on Paul and his letters since the publication of his magisterial Paul and the Faithfulness of God in 2013. Many of the included studies have never been published or only available in hard-to-find larger volumes and journals.
Here is a rich feast for all serious students of the Bible. Each essay will amply reward those looking for detailed, incisive, and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, resulting in a clearer, deeper, and more informed appreciation of Paul and the relevance of his teaching to Christian life and thought today.
“Basically, what we see in Paul and John is an exodus-based soteriology and a Temple-based ecclesiology.” (Page 78)
“Justification by faith in the present truly anticipates the final verdict and thus provides the foundation for the united believing community without the boundary-markers of Jewish life.” (Page 29)
“those who are ‘not people of flesh, but people of the spirit’, as in 8:9, do submit to God’s law, and do please God” (Page 28)
“but a way of life which corresponds to the divine intention of the life-giving Torah” (Page 30)