Digital Logos Edition
Thirty-five years after the publication of Hebrew Christianity: Its Theology, History, and Philosophy, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum has again surveyed the rapidly changing face of the Messianic Jewish Community. The Remnant of Israel: The History, Theology, and Philosophy of the Messianic Jewish Community, is an update on the growing and diversifying community of Jews who have found favor with God by receiving Jesus as Messiah. Written by a Messianic Jew for Jew and Gentile alike, here is an articulate survey of the biblical position of the Messianic Jew in the setting of community. Dr. Fruchtenbaum again assesses how this community is distinctive and how it relates to the Jewish people, the Law of Moses, the local church, the State of Israel, missions, and many other timely topics. The rapid growth of the Messianic Jewish community has provoked interest as well as offense. Here is what is happening in the lives of Messianic Jews and how they and their movement relate their faith to the rest of the world.
“God is a unity, yet the three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) are distinct in position and in function; each member performs different roles in dealing with creation. All are equal, yet distinct.” (Page 40)
“The point being made is that there are two Israels: Israel the whole, composed of all Jews; and Israel the elect, composed of all believing Jews, which is the true Israel of God.” (Page 38)
“In the Abrahamic Covenant we have such a principle: those who bless the Jews will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed.” (Page 73)
“It was not Queen Isabella’s jewels, but Queen Isabella’s Jews who purchased the three ships for Columbus.” (Page 87)
“complete exposition on Armageddon goes beyond the purpose of this chapter26 except” (Page 90)