Game Changers is the main theme book for Spring Harvest 2016. The objective of the book is to equip its readers to inspire, equip and transform lives, enabling people to go out and change the world in the name of Jesus. The book uses the example of Moses as a core topic, and covers five areas: Encountering God, Engaging your community, Ensemble (pulling together), Equipping the people of God, and Empowering the next generation.
Main Spring Harvest theme book for 2016, focused on the life of Moses.
Foreword 9
Introduction 11
Part 1: Encounter (Exodus 3:1–18)
1. Moses at the Burning Bush 26
2. Faith for the Encounter 42
3. Making Space for the Encounter 56
Part 2: Enlist (Exodus 4:1–20 and 5:1)
4. Are You In? 74
5. Overcoming Hurdles 88
6. Speak Up, Stand Up, Act Up 102
Part 3: Everyone (Exodus 17:8–16)
7. It Takes All of Us 120
8. Body Ministry 133
9. Playing Our Part 147
Part 4: Equip (Numbers 13:25 – 14:9)
10. The Voice of the Few 164
11. Who Are You Listening To? 178
12. Transforming Our Communities 191
Part 5: Empower (Deuteronomy 34:1 – Joshua 1:11)
13. Passing the Baton 208
14. Investing in New Generations 220
15. The Best is Yet to Come 235
Final Thought 247
Notes 253