Digital Logos Edition
The stories of Elijah begin with judgment upon Israel for her apostasy and the miracles of survival of a remnant that had not bowed the knee to Baal. We see in Elijah the epitome of those who will challenge the demonic and apostate forces of the age. And our heart leaps as we realize this Elijah ministry comes forth in the remnant now “to restore all things.” In Elisha, we see a portrayal of the prophetic church of this hour. He was dedicated and submissive to Elijah, and his quest for the double portion of Elijah’s spirit is like the hungry remnant of this hour moving into the greater works of John 14:12. As a reader is led from one experience to another in the lives of these two prophets, he will find himself learning many valuable lessons related to his own walk and ministry.
“You can be certain that wherever God directs you to go is exactly where your source of supply is; He has commanded the ravens to feed you there. Your sustenance will always be in the place where the Lord commands you to go. You can count on it. His abundance is directly related to implicit obedience to His word. Never doubt this truth or waver in it.” (Pages 3–4)
“Dedication must have discouragement. As soon as you really begin to move well in the Lord, He allows a situation to arise that appears to be discouraging. Yet looking back, you realize it was a factor of strengthening your faith. People seek words of encouragement, but they remember the hardships.” (Page 37)
“In everything that befalls you, His hand will be upon you. God will not perform the miracle in changing the circumstances around you; the miracle will be the change in you. You will survive because God puts the grace and the strength in you.” (Page 11)
“In prayer, the amount of time is not important, but rather how you voice the will of God with the proper faith in your own heart.” (Page 22)
“Satan knows how to use the weaknesses in our hearts to abort the real results we could see. God’s dealings on you today are the dealings of salt. They are the beginnings of a dealing that will be deep and drastic in its nature, so that the future will be guaranteed and the fruitfulness will come forth. He will not allow an infection to be in your spirit that might later cause the fruit to fall or cause the bearing process to be aborted. God will not allow it. You are not going to carry within your heart the seed of your own future defeats. You will not carry within your nature the roots of that which would rise up like thorns to choke out the word. You will not carry within your being a hidden response, an openness to the old life, or an openness to a satanic contact or bond.” (Page 50)
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