Digital Logos Edition
A thorough exegetical and homiletical analysis of each passage of James.
This definitive commentary sheds exegetical and theological light on the book of James for contemporary preachers and students of Scripture. Listening closely to the text while interacting with the best of scholarship, Aida Besancon Spencer shows what this epistle meant for the early church and what it means for us today. In addition to its perceptive comments on the biblical text, this volume examines James's four key themes: speaking wisely, using wealth, persevering in trials, and becoming doers of the Word.
Spencer offers astute guidance to preachers and teachers wanting to do a series on James, with homiletical trajectories for each passage to show how historical narrative can be presented from the pulpit and in the classroom.
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Aida Besancon Spencer (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Senior Professor of New Testament at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Spencer has worked as a community organizer, social worker, minister, and educator in a wide variety of urban settings. Her other publications include 2 Corinthians in the Bible Study Commentary Series and Paul’s Literary Style.