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Products>Classic Commentaries and Studies on Kings (12 vols.)

Classic Commentaries and Studies on Kings (12 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $92.39
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Kings offers some of the most significant classical studies and scholarship on Kings from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. With notable authors such as John Cumming, Andrew Jukes, Richard G. Moulton, and C. F. Burney, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Kings contains over 3,000 pages of interpretation, observations, translations, contextual history, and practical application. The 12 volumes contained in the Classic Commentaries and Studies on Kings have had an enduring impact on Old Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy access to this wealth of significant scholarship.

With Logos Bible Software, this collection is completely searchable, with passages of Scripture appearing on mouse-over, as well as being linked to the Greek and Latin texts and English translations in your library. This makes these texts more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal Bible study. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of “David” or “1 Kings 3:1.”

Resource Experts
  • Over 3,000 pages of notable scholarship on Kings
  • Noted authors from a variety of backgrounds
  • Title: Classic Commentaries and Studies on Kings
  • Volumes: 12
  • Pages: 3,901

The Parallel Histories of Judah and Israel, vol. 1

  • Author: Maximilian Geneste
  • Publisher: Samuel Bagster and Sons
  • Publication Date: 1843
  • Pages: 600

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Examining the intimated relationship and history between Israel and Judah, Maximilian Geneste provides extensive commentary on the composition and arrangement of the text, historical context, and elucidation of reiterated motifs. Offering direct interpretation through semantics, Geneste seeks to convey the spiritual state of Israel and Judah during this period of time. Volume one covers the text from the reign of Rehoboam until the fall of Jerusalem.

Maximilian Geneste was the minister of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Isle of Wight. Geneste is the author of several titles including A Glance into the Kingdom of Grace and Christ in the Wilderness. Geneste died on July 27, 1860.

The Parallel Histories of Judah and Israel, vol. 2

  • Author: Maximilian Geneste
  • Publisher: Samuel Bagster and Sons
  • Publication Date: 1843
  • Pages: 654

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Examining the intimated relationship and history between Israel and Judah, Maximilian Geneste provides extensive commentary on the composition and arrangement of the text, historical context, and elucidation of reiterated motifs. Offering direct interpretation through semantics, Geneste seeks to convey the spiritual state of Israel and Judah during this period of time. Volume two covers the fall of Jerusalem until the Lamentations of Jeremiah.

Maximilian Geneste was the minister of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Isle of Wight. Geneste is the author of several titles including A Glance into the Kingdom of Grace and Christ in the Wilderness. Geneste died on July 27, 1860.

Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Kings

  • Author: C. F. Burney
  • Publisher: Claredon Press
  • Publication Date: 1903
  • Pages: 386

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Focusing on providing exegetical commentary on the books of Kings, C. F. Burney's Notes on the Hebrew Test of the Books of Kings offers textual criticism, hermeneutic and presuppositional interpretation, and semantic analysis of the text. Looking at the Old Testament parallels throughout the text, Burney delineates the importance of idiomatic and colloquial use of language throughout the books.

C. F. Burney (1868–1925) was educated at Merchant Taylors' School and at St. John's College, Oxford. Burney went on to become Oriel Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture at Oxford. He was also Canon of Rochester and Fellow of St. John Baptist's College in Oxford. He was the author of several titles including Outlines of Old Testament Theology, Israel's Settlement in Canaan, The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel, and The Poetry of Our Lord.

Expository Readings on the Books of Kings

  • Author: John Cumming
  • Publisher: Arthur Hall
  • Publication Date: 1859
  • Pages: 336

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Fully illustrating the books of Kings, John Cumming's Expository Readings on the Books of Kings offers easy to understand commentary within an exegetical framework. Cumming provides textual criticism, hermeneutics, and exposition of the text, while focusing on practical application of key themes.

John Cumming (1807–1881) was an influential and renowned preacher of the National Scottish Church in Covent Garden. He published approximately 180 books in his lifetime.


The Mystery of the Kingdom: Traced Through the Four Books of Kings

  • Author: Andrew J. Jukes
  • Publisher: Thomas Whitaker
  • Publication Date: 1884
  • Pages: 127

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Originally delivered as a series of lectures on the books of Samuel and Kings, Andrew J. Jukes offers valuable exegesis, while focusing on the difficult transition from theocracy to monarchy. Jukes distinguishes between use of literal and figurative language within the text, and seeks to elucidate the inherent meaning within the passages.

The book is remarkable as an effort to substantiate the fact of a developmental process in prophecy and revelation, the principle laid down being that God invariably adapts Himself to the condition of those whom He addresses; and the point is aptly and ingeniously illustrated in many ways . . . we have found it to be effective and interesting.

The British Quarterly Review

Andrew J. Jukes (1815–1901) was a prolific author and clergyman educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. His other major works include The Law of the Offerings, The Restitution of All Things, Four Views of Christ, and The Differences of the Four Gospels.

The Kings

  • Author: Richard G. Moulton
  • Publisher: The Macmillan Company
  • Publication Date: 1896
  • Pages: 301

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Kings contains succinct explanation and clarification on textual arrangement, parallel motifs and figurative language, chronological sequence, and the scope of the text. Intended as an aid for historical interpretation, Richard G. Moulton's commentary provides useful clarity for clergy and laymen alike.

The volume contains a valuable introduction to the book as a piece of literature, and notes are added when necessary. Professor Moulton brings to this work unusual gifts and experience as scholar, teacher, and writer; genuine literary feeling which has been cultivated by close study. Here is not only a "well of English undefiled," but books written in such strong and simple language that a child can understand them. A copy of this edition should be in every family, and we are persuaded it would not remain unread.

The Protestant Episcopal Review

Richard G. Moulton (1849–1924) was Professor of English Literature at the University of Chicago. Moulton was born in England and educated at Cambridge as a lawyer before immigrating to America—later receiving a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of over 30 titles including Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist, The Literary Study of the Bible, World Literature and Its Place in General Culture, and The Ancient Classical Drama.

Notes on 1 Kings

  • Author: J. Davies
  • Publisher: George Philip & Son
  • Publication Date: 1872
  • Pages: 161

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Stating that the books of First and Second Kings were originally compiled together and should be viewed as a single narrative, James Davies' Notes on 1 Kings provides explication of the purpose, composition, authorship, and the reiteration of theocratic themes throughout the text. Davies utilizes the Septuagint, Latin Vulgate, and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia for clarification on textual arrangement, semantic variation, and historical context.

James Davies is also author of St. Matthew's Gospel, Acts of the Apostles, Book of Common Prayer, and History and Literature of the Tudor and Stuart Periods. Davies was educated at the University of London.

Notes on 2 Kings

  • Author: James Davies
  • Publisher: George Philip & Son
  • Publication Date: 1873
  • Pages: 209

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Stating that the books of First and Second Kings were originally compiled together and should be viewed as a single narrative, James Davies' Notes on 2 Kings provides explication of the purpose, composition, authorship, and the reiteration of theocratic themes throughout the text. Davies utilizes the Septuagint, Latin Vulgate, and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia for clarification on textual arrangement, semantic variation, and historical context.

James Davies is also author of St. Matthew's Gospel, Acts of the Apostles, Book of Common Prayer, and History and Literature of the Tudor and Stuart Periods. Davies was educated at the University of London.

The First and Second Books of Kings

  • Author: James Robertson
  • Publisher: J. M. Dent
  • Publication Date: 1902
  • Pages: 273

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Looking at purpose, authorship, date of composition, and chronology of the text, James Robertson offers practical explication of the text, while giving special regard to the didactic themes. Robertson provides extensive notes for clarification of key parts of the text, as well as further reading.

Dr. Robertson is the editor of the volume which contains The First and Second Books of Kings, and his name is a guarantee for thorough and judicious work. We have not been a better introduction . . . [its] framework is clearly brought out.

The London Quarterly Review

James Robertson (1839–1902) was educated at the parish school of Drull, the University of Toronto, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Union Theological Seminary. Robertson went on to become the minister of Knox Church in Winnipeg and a missionary in New York. He played a large part in founding the University of Manitoba, as well as hundreds of churches.

The Toronto Globe noted at the time of Robertson's death: “No man living knows more about the Canadian Northwest, its resources, its development, its social, moral and religious conditions and necessities.”

The Books of the Kings of Judah and Israel: A Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles

  • Author: William Day Crockett
  • Publisher: Eaton & Mains
  • Publication Date: 1897
  • Pages: 364

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Chronologically moving through the Books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, William Day Crockett provides thorough exegesis that is systematically divided between the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon. Discoursing on Israel's want for a monarchy, Crockett inculcates the reoccurring sin and redemption cycles that Israel initiates—regardless of admonition and warning.

His work is in line with the revival of interest in the Bible as literature. There is an analytical outline, and a full appendix and index. Mr. Crockett has shown skill and judgment that will commend his work to the great mass of students.

Public Opinion

Mr. Crockett's work is an honest, laborious and successful piece of this study of the Old Testament as it is, that is to be so highly commended both a piece of work and as an aid to others in the study of the central section of the history of the Old Testament as it lies in the documents. It ought to have a 'wide acceptance and usefulness.'

The Presbyterian and Reformed Review

William Day Crockett (1869–1930) was Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Canton, Pennsylvania. Crockett is the author of several titles including A Harmony of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles and A Satchel Guide to Europe

The Kingdom of Israel and Judah After the Disruption, vol. 1

  • Author: Samuel G. Green
  • Publisher: Sunday School Union
  • Publication Date: 1876
  • Pages: 154

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Intended as an aid for teaching, Samuel G. Green's The Kingdom of Israel and Judah After the Disruption renders concise explication of the text within historical context. Green examines the composition, milieu, and key themes within the text. Volume one covers the time period of 975–721 B.C.

Samuel G. Green (1822–1905) was educated at the University of London before becoming President of Rawdon College, Yorkshire. Green was bestowed with an honorary Doctorate of Divinity by the University of St. Andrews. Green is the author of several titles including A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek, Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament, and Bible Sketches and Their Teachings for Young People.

The Kingdom of Israel and Judah After the Disruption, vol. 2

  • Author: Samuel G. Green
  • Publisher: Sunday School Union
  • Publication Date: 1876
  • Pages: 336

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Intended as an aid for teaching, Samuel G. Green's The Kingdom of Israel and Judah After the Disruption renders concise explication of the text within historical context. Green examines the composition, milieu, and key themes within the text. Volume two covers the time period of 721–536 B.C.

Samuel G. Green (1822–1905) was educated at the University of London before becoming President of Rawdon College, Yorkshire. Green was bestowed with an honorary Doctorate of Divinity by the University of St. Andrews. Green is the author of several titles including A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek, Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament, and Bible Sketches and Their Teachings for Young People.


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Collection value: $92.39
Save $70.40 (76%)