First appearing in 1885, Schlatter’s Der Glaube im Neuen Testament (Faith in the New Testament) is a thorough analysis of the concept of faith. Taking into account Old Testament, rabbinic, and key first-century writings, Schlatter provides an exhaustive study on the meaning and implications of faith in the New Testament. It is a philological masterpiece, making its translation into English a great contribution to New Testament theological studies. This fresh translation of Faith in the New Testament retains the substance and style of his original work, giving a new audience direct access to Schlatter’s work. Schlatter’s rigorous thought remains invaluable today.
The German original, Der Glaube im Neuen Testament, is also available on pre-pub.
[Faith in the New Testament] does not merely shed light on the modern debate; it makes a vital contribution in its own right, both on an academic and a devotional level.
—Andreas J. Köstenberger, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
An old treasure has been brought forth from the great storehouse of German scholarship and piety that English readers can now peruse, ponder, and enjoy.
—Douglas A. Campbell, Duke Divinity School
Longarino lets us hear for ourselves the rekindling and active power of Schlatter’s Word of faith.
–A. Andrew Das, Elmhurst University
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