Digital Logos Edition
A Brief, Accessible Treatment on the Divinity of Christ.
The question of Jesus’s divinity has been at the epicenter of theological discussion since the early church. At the Council of Nicea in AD 325, the church fathers affirmed that Jesus the Son of God is “true God from true God.” Today, creeds such as this are professed in churches across the world, and yet there remains confusion as to who Jesus is. To some, Jesus is a radical prophet—nothing more than a footnote in history. To others, Jesus is the only Son of God, fully God and fully man—the author of history entering history. Lanier shows from both the Old and New Testaments why the latter view is the truly biblical one.
Maybe you think you can answer the title of this book with a simple yes and move on. But how do you know that Jesus is truly God? Can you articulate that well to others? Why does it matter? What changes about your faith if Jesus isn’t truly God? Is Jesus fully God and fully man—even now? In this succinct book, Greg Lanier works through both the Old and New Testaments to present a robust Trinitarian Christology that will equip believers and lead us to further delight in our Lord.
—Aimee Byrd, author, Theological Fitness and No Little Women
This book does two remarkable things: it solidly reinforces Christian belief in Jesus as God by gathering the most up-to-date evidence, and it also helpfully reshapes our ways of talking about Jesus as God, in greater conformity with biblical patterns of thought. Lanier doesn’t just show that the Bible teaches the deity of Jesus, he shows precisely how the Bible teaches it.
—Fred Sanders, Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University; author, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything
‘Jesus is Lord’ is the fundamental confession of the Christian faith. Writing with the heart of a pastor and the wisdom of a seminary professor, Greg Lanier unfolds the rich Trinitarian framework within which the Old and New Testaments present Jesus as God’s divine Son. Anyone who desires to become a more competent reader of the Bible and a more faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ will find this book enormously instructive.
—Scott R. Swain, author, The Trinity: An Introduction; coeditor, The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology
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