Digital Logos Edition
In studying the Epistle to the Galatians, the last of the major Pauline epistles, we find early Christian churches struggling with the new faith and the accompanying tensions. Containing themes like diversity in the midst of unity, freedom from legalism to serve one another in love, and the work of the Holy Spirit producing fruit, Galatians is a short but rich epistle summarizing the Gospel message and the outworking of new life for those that believe. This collection of commentaries and dictionaries will equip you to investigate the text and cultural background, to more fully understand the timeless message and it's implications for believes today.
This collection contains all the resources in Galatians Book Study Collection - Small (6 vols.), but includes a wider selection of resources from a broad spectrum of biblical and theological perspectives, from respected series like Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Black's New Testament Commentary, Continental Commentary, New International Commentary, Reformed Expository Commentary, and the IVP Bible Dictionary Series.
The resources included in this collection are utilized in Logos Mobile Ed. NT340 Book Study: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: The Gospel for Jew and Gentile (9 hour course) as some of the top suggested readings and will enhance your experience of that course.