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Products>Is Evolution Compatible with Christianity?

Is Evolution Compatible with Christianity?


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All of these statements are false: Christians are science-deniers when it comes to evolution. Real science actually lines up more with evolution than creation as found in Genesis. Fossils are evidence for evolution. The Genesis account is fully compatible with evolution. These questions need answers! What exactly is the difference between evolution right and evolution wrong? Is it possible to bend Genesis to fit evolution? How can one defend belief in a six-day creation from the onslaughts of the evolutionists? How about any questions you have? This book is a must for any Christian about to enter a public high school or university. Accepting evolution as true is the basis for three of the ten reasons Christians give up saving faith. It is time for you to arm yourself with the truth and stand your ground logically, philosophically, scientifically, and most important biblically! Ready? Let's go!

“What makes Gieschen’s work so valuable is his approach in answering the title’s question. Going beyond just making a case for creationism, more importantly, he shows why evolution cannot make a valid case to coexist in the Christian worldview. It's the latter part that makes this book essential reading for anyone pondering evolution's compatibility with Christianity!”

—Peter Ahlersmeyer, Pastor, Concordia Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne, Indiana

“In a world where it is increasingly difficult for young people to hold their ground on important biblical teachings and apply their convictions in forming their worldview, the author has used his forty-two years of high school teaching experience and extensive research to distinguish the truth of creation from the myths of evolution.”

—Jonathan Laabs, Executive Director, Lutheran Education Association

Product Details

  • Title : Is Evolution Compatible with Christianity?
  • Author: Gieschen, Christopher
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • ISBN: 9781532657054

Christopher Gieschen has a master’s degree in science education from Indiana University. He has been a biology, earth science, and English teacher for Concordia Lutheran High School. During the early eighties he became interested in the creation/evolution debate, though he was always a biblical creation believer. Eventually he began incorporating creation apologetics during his biology units covering the evolution portion of the text. This book is based upon his teaching notes and research of the four websites listed in this volume. It is hoped that the reader of this book will learn to distinguish between Evolution Right and Evolution Wrong. The former is established science and the latter is merely an incorrect interpretation of the facts.


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