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The History and Theology of Calvinism

ISBN: 9781783972821

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With forewords by both Joel Beeke and John MacArthur, you would be right to expect something special from this book. Curt Daniel’s The History and Theology of Calvinism is the result of decades of study and teaching. It provides a comprehensive overview of Calvinism in two sections: the “History” surveys the Reformed theologians and preachers, the development of the theology and the major controversies. The “Theology” section discusses doctrines related to the sovereignty of God, the five points of Calvinism and the distinctive contributions of Calvinism in other areas.

Resource Experts
  • Provides a comprehensive overview of Calvinism
  • Surveys the Reformed theologians and preachers, the development of the theology, and the major controversies
  • Addresses common questions and objections

  • Foreword by Joel Beeke
  • Foreword by John MacArthur
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • The History of Calvinism

The Theology of Calvinism

  • The Sovereignty of God
  • The Five Points of Calvinism

Top Highlights

“If Augustinianism was basically pre-Calvinism, then Calvinism is also a perfected Augustinianism. Likewise, Semi-Pelagianism was a kind of pre-Arminianism, and Arminianism is a modified version of Semi-Pelagianism. These two views would serve as the poles of debate for the next fifteen hundred years.” (Page 38)

“If justification by faith alone was the key to Luther’s theology, then the doctrine of God was the center of Calvin’s theology.” (Page 52)

“Luis de Molina (1535–1600), a Spanish Jesuit, revived a kind of Semi-Pelagianism and the theory of Middle Knowledge.16 He taught God elects sinners by foreseeing how they would respond in a given situation. Arminius would propose a similar theory.” (Page 71)

“The trinitarian perichoresis is a deep mystery but must not be misunderstood so as to minimize or eliminate the three distinctive personalities.” (Page 628)

“A more conservative and evangelical Arminianism was developed in the eighteenth century under John and Charles Wesley in England.” (Page 66)

Several years ago, a friend gave me a bound copy of Dr. Daniel’s notes on the history of Calvinism and the doctrines of grace. I’ve kept it nearby ever since. It’s one of the most useful and informative resources in my entire library—well written, crystal clear, and thorough without being ponderous. I’m delighted to see this expanded edition in print.

—John MacArthur, Senior Pastor, Grace Community Church

Curt is a proven scholar and a personal devotee of the doctrines to which he gives such careful attention in this book. It does not merely go over the well-known history already present in many volumes (though it does not ignore that) but gives both substance and perspective that is needed today in a time when there is growing renewed interest in these doctrines. I personally hope that you will pursue the opportunity to publish this substantial volume which interacts so thoroughly with Calvinism in its various nuances and denominational expressions.

—Tom Nettles, Professor of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

There is no doubt that Calvinism (even though John Calvin would abhor the term) has played a critical role in the history of the Christian faith. Amazingly, though, there have been very few studies that have sought to provide a comprehensive overview of both its history and theology. Dr Daniel’s survey of the narrative and thought of this influential worldview does just that and does it magisterially. This textbook (for that is what it truly is) is thus very welcome and will be enormously helpful for all who are interested in this tremendous Christian movement.

—Michael A. G. Haykin, Chair & Professor of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

It would be pretty hard to overstate how helpful Curt Daniel’s notes on Calvinism have been in my study of historical theology and the Protestant Reformation. He has an uncanny knack for untangling hard theological knots and deftly sweeping away confusion and misunderstanding. I have gained more insight from this volume than from any other book on systematic theology or church history, and yet this is a resource I can (and regularly do) recommend to lay people—even those who are just beginning to study theology seriously. It’s rare and refreshing to find a treatise on theology that is so comprehensive and yet so easy to read. This is that book. Get a copy. I promise you will thank me for the recommendation.

—Phil Johnson, Executive Director, Grace to You

The History and Theology of Calvinism is a fascinating, tortuous, compelling drama. Curt Daniel, through a lifetime of study, deftly and insightfully sketches the course and essential content of that drama. Daniel understands the variegated nature of Calvinism and ably guides us through the highs and lows of the drama, never failing to engage us with the often-maligned characters and often misunderstood theology that constitute historic Calvinism. This is a book that is vast in its sweep and deep in its analysis. I highly recommend it.

—Ian Hamilton, Professor of Systematic Theology, Edinburgh Theological Seminary, Edinburgh, Scotland; and editor, Banner of Truth magazine

Curt Daniel has done extensive research into the history and theology of Calvinism and has written one of the most helpful and readable treatments of Calvinism in print. The comments are fair and irenic, and the book attempts to cover the entire sweep of Calvinism (including much information on Puritanism and other Reformed groups, past and present). It is worth its weight in gold!

—Lance Quinn, Senior Pastor, Bethany Bible Church, Thousand Oaks, California

  • Title: The History and Theology of Calvinism
  • Author: Curt Daniel
  • Publisher: Evangelical Press
  • Print Publication Date: 2019
  • Logos Release Date: 2020
  • Pages: 906
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Reformed Church › Doctrines; Calvinism
  • ISBNs: 9781783972821, 1783972823
  • Resource Type: Systematic Theology
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-10-09T22:34:48Z

Curt Daniel is pastor of Faith Bible Church, Springfield, Illinois, USA. He is a graduate of Central Bible College (B.A.), Fuller Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and The University of Edinburgh (Ph.D.). He is currently writing books on the deity of Christ, the extent of the atonement, Hyper-Calvinism, Jonathan Edwards, Biblical apologetics, and a large history of Reformed theology.


7 ratings

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  1. Kevin Lee

    Kevin Lee


  2. Mac McClanahan
  3. Ken Matthews

    Ken Matthews


  4. Dave Cox

    Dave Cox


  5. Eric Fary

    Eric Fary


  6. Michael Wert

    Michael Wert


  7. Jonathan Bradley
    While I cannot yet vouch for the Logos edition of "The History and Theology of Calvinism" by Curt Daniels, I have heard him speak and I own a bound copy of the notes that comprise most of this volume and bears the same name. It is invaluable. I have used it on many occassions and I cannot wait to have it as a part of my Logos Library! (the bound version is...big, so a digital version is a welcome addition!)
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