Digital Logos Edition
Everyone who studies the Bible wishes at some point that he or she knew the original Hebrew or Greek in order to better understand a difficult word or passage. The Expository Dictionary of Bible Words gives readers the fruits of a working knowledge Hebrew and Greek without the years of language study.
The Expository Dictionary of Bible Words is more than just a handy and thorough alphabetical guide to the English translation of the Hebrew and Greek words used in both Testaments. There are thousands of articles, all arranged alphabetically by English word and coded to Strong’s numbering system for ease of use. Each article is divided into two sections—Old Testament (Hebrew) Words and New Testament (Greek) Words—with an entry for the Hebrew or Greek word along with its transliteration, translation, range of meaning(s), and comments on its use in different biblical contexts. A comprehensive system of cross-references aids the reader in finding different words as well as discussions of related words and themes.
Although reference works like Vine’s and Englishman’s have long aided Christians in understanding the nuances of different biblical words, the Expository Dictionary of Bible Words surpasses all available reference works. The “Additional Notes” to articles throughout the volume provide valuable and insightful information on the connections between Old and New Testament words and themes.
In a non-technical reference for pastors, teachers, and lay students of Scripture, Renn (language teaching, Inaburra School, Sydney but until 2001 Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew, Sydney Missionary and Bible College) offers comprehensive though not exhaustive analysis and discussion of both Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic and New Testament Greek terms. The entries are arranged alphabetically by the English word, with sections on Old Testament then New Testament occurrences and uses of various terms so translated. Additional notes explain how the theme, concept, or doctrine shaped by the Hebrew terminology is fulfilled in the Greek vocabulary of the New Testament. The Hebrew and Greek words are indexed. There is some cross-referencing. The words are coded to the Revised Strong's Numbering System.
—Book News, Inc.
This dictionary has several advantages: it enhances a better canonical understanding of the Bible; the connections between the OT and NT can be studied easily; furthermore, the dictionary can be used by readers who are not experts in the biblical languages. They are enabled to get a better and deeper understanding of biblical thinking.
—Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Subtitled “word studies for key English Bible words based on the Hebrew and Greek texts”, this is a theological dictionary of both testaments. A typical entry is that on the lemma ‘Lion’; it discusses five Hebrew words and one Greek word denoting ‘lion’, and ends with an additional exegetical note on the metaphorical implication of ‘lion’ language. —A very useful scholarly resource.
—International Review of Biblical Studies
Stephen D. Renn has served as the Head of Biblical Studies and Academic Dean at the Sydney Missionary and Bible College, lecturing in Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew (1986–2001). He was Principal of the Sutherland Shire Christian School from 2001 to 2003 and is currently Coordinator of Language Teaching at Inaburra School in Sydney, New South Wales, with additional responsibilities for the teaching of history and Bible.
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Daniel Radke
Dan Scribner
Willy Arnold