Digital Logos Edition
Discover the rich, challenging teaching of Dr. Michael S. Heiser. In this sixteen-course bundle, you’ll learn the art and science of Bible interpretation and how to grapple with difficult passages. Consider different positions on controversial topics like baptism, inspiration, inerrancy, and the end times and get the tools to support what you believe. Learn how to use Hebrew in Logos Bible Software. Explore the process of inspiration as it applies to New Testament manuscripts as well as the Hebrew Bible’s writing, composition, canonicity, and transmission through the ages. Dive into Old Testament theology and discover foundational truths for apologetics and Jewish evangelism. Learn how to understand the Bible in its ancient context. See how the worldview of the paranormal television series Stranger Things can help us think about the story of Jesus and discover glimpses of the gospel.
The Bible is a vast, complex book, and while some of its contents can be understood by a child, much of it requires careful thought. How do we interpret the Bible correctly? Why do biblical scholars disagree on interpretation?
Dr. Mike Heiser introduces students to the science and art of Bible interpretation. The Bible is a book written for us but not to us, so accurate interpretation needs to be informed by the ancient worldview of the biblical writers, their historical circumstances, cultural and religious beliefs of their day, literary genre, and the original languages of the Bible. Learn the necessary tools for accurate and meaningful biblical interpretation.
Using a practical approach, Dr. Michael Heiser shows you how to use biblical Hebrew to become a competent interpreter of the Old Testament. Perform word studies alongside an expert and learn to avoid common mistakes. Learn grammatical terminology used in commentaries and journal articles so you can follow the discussion. Dr. Heiser teaches you the concepts and introduces you to the tools, and then walks you through each step of interpretation.
Believe it or not, not everything in the Bible can be understood by children; many passages are not even easy to understand for adults. Delve into a number of difficult passages with Dr. Heiser as he introduces key interpretive issues and the problems that are lurking in the background of these verses. He guides you through what needs the most attention and introduces you to several options for interpretation for each passage. Dr. Heiser focuses on the importance of being able to wrap our minds around and navigate through the difficult passages of Scripture, because although they may be challenging, they are still significant for theology. How you understand these verses will have an important ripple effect on the interpretation of other passages you will encounter in the course of your own personal Bible study.
In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages II (BI162), Dr. Michael Heiser discusses several challenging Scripture passages. He covers some passages that pose ethical problems like God telling Samuel to lie, David asking God to kill his enemies, and Jesus telling His disciples to buy swords or to eat His flesh and drink His blood. He also examines several places where New Testament authors use Old Testament passages.
Join Dr. Michael Heiser as he explores some challenging passages of Scripture. In this course Dr. Heiser looks at ten different passages—five in the Old Testament and five in the New Testament. He identifies the key issues and walks through different ways of understanding them. The course will help equip you to better interpret challenging passages yourself and encourage you to study God’s Word more deeply.
In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages IV (BI164) Dr. Mike Heiser addresses five Old Testament and five New Testament passages that challenge readers of the Bible. Old Testament topics include (1) tattoos, (2) the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, (3) the “strange” fire of Nadab and Abihu, (4) whether God causes people to sin, and (5) the “secret things” of God. New Testament topics include (1) guardian angels, (2) Jesus as “firstborn,” (3) Paul’s use of Psalm 68:18, (4) unworthy participation in the Lord’s Supper, and (5) Jude quoting Enoch. The course will help equip you to better interpret these challenging passages yourself and encourage you to study God’s Word deeper.
In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages V (BI165) Dr. Mike Heiser presents ten Scripture passages that challenge readers of the Bible. Old Testament topics include (1) the question of Cain’s marriage and cultural contribution (Gen 4:10–17); (2) the note that David’s prayers are ended (Psa 72:20), although other prayers follow in the Psalter; (3) the Day of Atonement’s goat for Azazel (Lev 16:6–22); (4) the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart (Exod 7:3–4); and (5) an apparent efficacious pagan sacrifice (2 Kgs 3:27). New Testament texts include (1) the missing verse that mentions an angel troubling the water (John 5:3b–4); (2) handing the sinner over to Satan (1 Cor 15:1–5); (3) the sin unto death (1 John 5:16–17); (4) the New Testament’s varied use of the title “apostle” (1 Cor 15:3–9); and (5) Jesus comparing Himself to a serpent (John 3:13–15). The course will help equip you to better interpret these challenging passages yourself and encourage you to study God’s Word deeper.
Why do Christians disagree over interpretations of the end times? If you have ever wondered this, or if you are struggling to understand a fellow Christian’s point-of-view, this course will give you the insight you desire. Scripture addressing the end times include a number of difficult passages, which Dr. Heiser unpacks with faithfulness and wisdom. He guides you through assumptions inherent in various interpretations of end-times events and introduces you to several options for interpreting each passage. Dr. Heiser focuses on the importance of being able to understand various points of view and gives you tools to support why you believe what you believe.
In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree on Baptism? (BI172), Dr. Michael Heiser highlights the fundamental areas of debate concerning an important rite of the church. Then he identifies a common cause for these disagreements—namely, unclear language regarding the relationship between baptism and salvation. He examines three of the most prominent historic confessions of the Reformed tradition in order to understand where the confusion originates from. To help us sort through these issues, Dr. Heiser offers a key hermeneutical principle, which can enable us to better articulate a clear and biblical defense of baptism (infant or adult) as well as justify a particular mode of baptism—whether sprinkling, pouring, or immersion—without violating the purity of the gospel of Jesus.
Christians believe the Bible is God’s Word, but the specific implications behind what that means are debated. In Problems in Bible Interpretation: Why Do Christians Disagree about the Bible? (BI173), Dr. Michael Heiser examines the issues of inspiration, inerrancy, and the canon. He explores different views on what role human authors played in the writings found in the Bible and how they were inspired by God. Then he moves on to address several questions surrounding the doctrine of inerrancy: What does the term mean? How have Christians understood it historically? What constitutes an “error”? Finally, he looks at the books included in the Bible, or the canon, and how it came to be. Through a discussion of the historical development of the Christian canon, he explains the reasons why various traditions regard different books as authoritative.
In this course, Dr. Michael Heiser explains the story of how we got the New Testament—he guides you from the process of inspiration to the discovery and transmission of manuscripts. Dr. Heiser describes the role of scribes throughout time and discusses significant Greek New Testament manuscripts upon which modern translations are based. Because most students of the Bible read it in their own language, he also examines translation philosophies and controversies.
In this course, ancient-language expert Dr. Michael Heiser gives a thorough background of the Hebrew Bible’s writing, composition, canonicity, and transmission through the ages. This course also surveys text criticism—what are Hebrew scholars today doing with these ancient manuscripts? How does their work affect English translations of the Bible? By understanding criticism, your personal Bible study will be richer, even with little knowledge of the Hebrew language.
In this revealing course, Dr. Michael Heiser illuminates the Old Testament basis for the Christian Godhead. Dr. Heiser, academic editor at Logos Bible Software, reveals how God was cast as more than one person in the Old Testament, and how New Testament writers applied those descriptions to Jesus. Dive into Old Testament theology and powerful descriptions of God, and discover foundational truths for apologetics and Jewish evangelism. Dr. Heiser holds a PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages, making him an excellent Old Testament guide.
The cosmic mountain is an important metaphor in the Old Testament. People in the ancient Near East thought of mountains as the home of the gods and the place from which the gods issued decrees. The biblical writers shared this worldview but had the cosmos run by the lone, incomparable God of Israel and had human beings, the terrestrial children of God, involved in that activity. Learn how Eden, Sinai, the Tabernacle, the Temple, Zion, and the Church are interconnected by conceptual threads that derive from the cosmic mountain idea.
Believers are children of God—a phrase that presumes family. The “children of God” are also called “holy ones” (“saints” in most translations). But these familiar New Testament terms have an Old Testament context that is largely overlooked—the spiritual world of God and his supernatural children. In the Old Testament, “sons of God” and “holy ones” refers to supernatural beings whose Father is God and who work with God to carry out his will. Learn where the metaphor of being in God’s family comes from in the Old Testament and how that informs our sense of identity and mission as believers.
Most Bible students presume that the evil and depravity of our world is to be explained exclusively by the Fall in Genesis 3. An Old Testament Israelite or Jew of Jesus’ day would not share that perspective. They would affirm the Fall as one of three reasons why the world is permeated by evil and sin. Learn about the three divine rebellions of the Old Testament and how a person from the ancient biblical world would understand their impact on the human condition, the work of the messiah, and the struggle of the kingdom of God against the powers of darkness.
The paranormal television series Stranger Things taps into the mysterious elements that have fueled spiritual questions for millennia. The otherworldly manifestations in Hawkins, Indiana offer compelling portrayals of important spiritual truths--and many of these truths are echoed in the supernatural worldview of the Bible. In The World Turned Upside Down, Dr. Michael Heiser draws on this supernatural worldview to help us think about the story of Jesus and discover glimpses of the gospel in the Upside Down. He argues that this celebrated series helps us understand the gospel in unique and overlooked ways. The spiritual questions and crises raised by Stranger Things are addressed the same way they are in the gospel, with mystery and transcendent power.
Michael S. Heiser is a former Scholar-in-Residence for Faithlife Corporation, the makers of Logos Bible Software. He currently serves as Executive Director of the Awakening School of Theology and Ministry at Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida. His varied academic background enables him to operate in the realm of critical scholarship and the wider Christian community. His experience in teaching at the undergraduate level and writing for the layperson have both directly contributed to Logos’ goal of adapting scholarly tools for nonspecialists. He is the coeditor of Old Testament Greek Pseudepigrapha with Morphology and Semitic Inscriptions: Analyzed Texts and English Translations and can do translation work in roughly a dozen ancient languages. He earned his PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages and holds an MA in ancient history and Hebrew studies. In addition, he was named the 2007 Pacific Northwest Regional Scholar by the Society of Biblical Literature.
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Bruce J. Carter
Dustin Carroll
Craig Bullock
Day, Dewey
Jonathan Schiesser
Gregory Sterner
Joseph E