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Products>Concordia Electronic Theological Library: Complete Collection

Concordia Electronic Theological Library: Complete Collection

Digital Logos Edition

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Concordia Electronic Theological Library: Complete Collection contains all of the content from collections 1-9. This collection provides in-depth background information that will enrich your understanding of the Scriptural message and an informed history of the development of Lutheranism. It also includes detailed material on the confessional writings of the Lutheran church and its stance on these writings; the origin and final form of Lutheran symbols; and analyzes the confessional understanding of the nature, functions, and content of Holy Scripture.

Some of the subjects found in these resources include: other religions and how to witness to their adherents, other denominations, theological movements and concepts, and historical events; information on the doctrinal positions of the LCMS and a systematic study of the doctrines of Scripture; Lutheran christology and Scripture; Law and Gospel; the Word and Sacraments; church ceremonies; pastoral conduct; theological foundations for congregation and laity involvement in church and ministry; the Eucharist; and Lutheran schooling.

Also, get an in-depth and extensive look into Lutheran dogmatics with the Logos Bible Software edition of Concordia Electronic Theological Library: Complete Collection. All Scripture passages are linked to your favorite Bible translation in your library. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of "reformation" or "Lutheranism."

Resource Experts
  • Introduction to Biblical books
  • In-depth commentary for Biblical books
  • Study notes edited by top Lutheran scholars
  • Contains bibliographical references and indexes
  • Additional readings for further study
  • Reflection questions for personal thought
  • Doctrinal and controversial works
  • Theology and philosophy of life of Lutheranism
  • Ten theses on Church and Ministry by C. F. W. Walther
  • Title: Concordia Electronic Theological Library: Complete Collection
  • Publisher: Concordia
  • Volumes: 32

Concordia Self-Study Bible NIV

  • Editors: Robert G. Hoerber, Horace D. Hummel, Walter R. Roehrs, and Dean O. Wenthe
  • Publication Date: 1986

The Concordia Self-Study Bible provides deeper understanding of God's Word. It combines the easy-reading language of the New International Version with Lutheran interpretive notes. As a study-enhancing resource, it's the ideal choice for bringing new vitality to personal and group Bible study. (Please note: the NIV is not included in this product.)

Concordia Self-Study Bible Notes

  • Publisher: Concordia
  • Publication Date: 1986

The Concordia Self-Study Bible Notes are a revised version of the notes written for Zondervan’s NIV Study Bible. This revised version includes new introductions for the Biblical books emphasizing Lutheran themes. (Please note: the NIV is not included in this product.)

Concordia Self-Study Commentary

  • Authors: Walter R. Roehrs and Martin H. Franzmann
  • Publisher: Concordia
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Pages: 950

This clear, concise commentary reflects a Christ-centered view of Bible history and prophecy. The book introductions provide the background and important features of the book so readers may see distinctive themes and purposes of the individual writings. Using the Revised Standard Version, the authors offer commentray on key versus, phrases, and words to help readers gain a proper understanding of Scripture. Especially useful for the Bible student or in a family setting.

The Word Becoming Flesh

  • Author: Horace D. Hummel
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Pages: 665

This book studies the history, organization, interpreters, and critics of the Old Testament. The author separates theory and speculation from fact and truth regarding the origin, authorship, canonicity, and theology of the Bible. The book examines all 39 books in context and draws out the ‘deep, organic unity’ between the testaments and their center in God’s revelation in Christ. This is a companion volume to The Word of the Lord Grows that looks at the New Testament.

The Word of the Lord Grows

  • Author: Martin H. Franzmann
  • Publication Date: 1961
  • Pages: 314

Franzmann’s book looks at the New Testament writings with an eye on their historical context. He reveals how the events and controversies surrounding the early Christians helped shape the message of the New Testament. It discusses biblical scholarship and authorship, and proposes present day applications of biblical texts.

Christian Cyclopedia

  • Editor: Erwin L. Lueker
  • Publication Date: 2000

The Christian Cyclopedia will give your family information on these topics and countless others.

Each entry gives you a short article of information on the topic you’ve selected. Plus, the extensive cross references and bibliographies included in many of the entries will give you the help you need for further study.

You and your family will find the Christian Cyclopedia one of the most valuable editions to your home library that you’ll ever own!

History of Theology

  • Author: Bengt Hägglund
  • Translator: Gene Lund
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Pages: 425

This book traces the movements and counter-movements of theological thought through the centuries from the New Testament to the present. This work is divided in three parts:

  • Part 1 addresses the age of the church fathers
  • Part 2 covers the Middle Ages from Augustine to Luther
  • Part 3 moves from the Reformation to the mid-20th century

Churches in America

  • Author: Thomas Manteufel
  • Editor: Arnold E. Schmidt
  • Publication Date: 1994
  • Pages: 90

Sunday School classes often have students from different religious backgrounds. This text helps teachers become familiar with churches in the United States, explore what they believe, and compare them to the Lutheran Church.

How to Respond: Muslims

  • Author: Ernest Hahn
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 63

Islam is the fastest growing religious movement in the U.S. today. This book answers common questions including:

  • “Who is Mohammed?”
  • “How did Islam develop worldwide?”
  • “How do Muslims view Jesus Christ?”

The explanation of Islamic faith and cultural expressions is a helpful tool for Christians seeking to share the Gospel with Muslims.

How to Respond to the Eastern Religions

  • Author: Philip Lochhaas
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Pages 31

How to Respond to the Eastern Religions provides some basic material to help Christians understand the beliefs and teachings of major Eastern religions.

How to Respond: Judaism

  • Author: Erwin J. Kolb
  • Publication Date: 1995

This book outlines what Judaism is, what it teaches, and how it compares to Christianity. It explains the three branches of Judaism and how we can counter anti-Semitism. As readers discover the centrality of Christ in the Old and New Testaments, they are prepared to witness to Jews with genuine love and eagerness.

The Book of Concord

  • Editor: Theodore Tappert
  • Publication Date: 1959
  • Pages: 636

Confessional writings of the Lutheran Church and other information essential to understanding the confessions. The Late Theodore G. Tappert, a distinguished church historian and author, was Schieren Professor of the History of Christianity at Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He was also archivist of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and a consultant to the Lutheran Church in American’s Board of Publication.

Confessing the Faith: Reformers Define the Church, 1530-1580

  • Author: Robert Kolb
  • Publication Date: 1991
  • Pages: 181

This book explores the implications of the fact that Lutherans have always viewed themselves as "confessional"—and thus "confessing." The bold confessions serve as a model and an inspiration for all contemporary Christians who likewise want to proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

Historical Introductions to the Book of Concord

  • Author: F. Bente
  • Pages: 256

A reprint of the introductions intended to provide theological students with deeper insight into the origin and final form of the Lutheran symbols and a new appreciation for their purpose.

Principles of Biblical Interpretation in the Lutheran Confessions

  • Author: Ralph A. Bohlmann

Analyzes the confessional understanding of the nature, functions and central content of Holy Scripture. It illustrates how the major interpretive principles employed in the Confessions derive from Scripture.

The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition

  • Author: Robert Kolb
  • Publication Date: 1993
  • Pages: 298

In this book, the author presents the basic teachings of the Christian faith from the Lutheran framework, presenting all the articles of faith in accordance with the Scriptures and distinguishing between Law and Gospel. Highly readable for serious Bible students, church professionals, and those preparing for church work. Can be used as an in-service teacher review. Part of the PELT certification program.

Summary of Christian Doctrine

  • Author: Edward W. A. Koehler
  • Publication Date: 1952
  • Pages: 328

A systematic study of the doctrines of Scripture presented in a concise, comprehensive manner. This is an excellent text for those interested in going beyond the Catechism, but not ready for Christian Dogmatics.

Christian Dogmatics

  • Author: John Theodore Mueller
  • Publication Date: 1934
  • Pages: 665

This is a helpful handbook of doctrinal theology based on Francis Pieper’s Christliche Dogmatik. It presents the voluminous material in Pieper’s work in a clear, concise, complete, and practical manner for the use of theology students. Sections include:

  • Nature and concept of theology
  • Holy Scripture
  • God
  • Creation
  • Divine providence
  • Angels
  • Man
  • Sin
  • Freedom of the will
  • God’s grace
  • Christ
  • Soteriology
  • Saving faith
  • Conversion
  • Justification
  • Sanctification
  • Means of grace
  • Law and Gospel
  • Baptism
  • Lord’s Supper
  • The Universal Church
  • The Visible Church
  • The public ministry
  • Eternal election
  • Eschatology

The Protestant Reformation: Major Documents

  • Editor: Lewis Spitz
  • Publication Date: 1997
  • Pages: 176

This book consists of a series of statements from men and women dating between 1501 and 1559. These statements illustrate the ideas, beliefs, and sometimes the fates, of the people who had come to share a profound discontent with the church as it then existed and a positive determination to change it.

Luther’s World of Thought

  • Author: Heinrich Bornkamm
  • Translator: Martin H. Bertram
  • Publication Date: 1958
  • Pages: 303

This classic work begins with a brief discussion of Luther’s life and times and ends with Luther’s death and his legacy. The topics covered in the remaining chapters include the world-historical significance of the Ninety-five Theses, the hidden and the revealed God, faith, the Sacraments, living and dying, and more.

Loci Communes 1543

  • Author: Philip Melanchthon
  • Translator: J. A. O. Preus
  • Publication Date: 1992
  • Pages: 259

An English translation of the 1543 Loci Communes, this was the first theological textbook produced during Luther’s lifetime. It teaches Christian doctrine in a clear, concise manner and is the basis for Chemnitz’s Loci Theologici. Melanchthon addressed issues important to his day and ours, including the nature of God, creation, sin, free will, Law and Gospel, justification, sanctification, the Church, and the Sacraments.

Structure of Lutheranism

  • Author: Werner Elert
  • Translator: W. A. Hansen
  • Publication Date: 1962
  • Pages: 520

In this classic reissue of the English translation of Morphologie des Luthertums, German theologian Werner Elert (1885–1954) looks at the writings of Martin Luther, investigating Luther’s spatial concept of heaven; his definition of “the right hand of God” and “catholicity”; the reformer’s thoughts on math, science, philosophy, and theology, and more.

Theology of Post-Reformation Lutheranism, 2 volumes

  • Author: Robert D. Preus
  • Publication Date: 1970, 1972
  • Pages: 634

Volume 1 is an exhaustive, scholarly study of the age of Lutheran orthodoxy, the period from 1577 to 1713, in which Lutheran doctrine was developed, systematized, and defended by theologians such as Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Gerhard, Calov, Quenstedt, and other.

Volume 2 discusses classical contributions to two major articles of faith: the doctrine of God and the doctrine of creation. The author presents a thorough analysis, drawing from the works of dominant theologians of the period from 1577 to 1713, including Chemnitz, Selnecker, Mentzer, Gerhard, Quenstedt, and Hollaz. Because of his focus on doctrine and methodology, Preus is able to give a fair picture of classical Lutheran theology as a whole.

Examination of the Council of Trent, 4 volumes

  • Author: Martin Chemnitz
  • Translator: Fred Kramer
  • Publication Date: 1971
  • Pages: 2,404

These books have been the basis for dialogue on all aspects of Christian theology, ministry, and church life between Catholics and Lutherans for centuries. This is the first English translation of Chemnitz’s work, which became the standard Lutheran answer to the claims of Rome as set forth at Trent.

Christian Dogmatics, 3 volumes with index

  • Author: Francis Pieper
  • Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1934
  • Pages: 665

This is a translation of Christliche Dogmatik with an index arranged by subject matter, author, and Bible reference. This set includes three volumes plus a comprehensive index.

Volume one addresses the nature and character of theology, Holy Scripture, the doctrine of God, creation, divine providence, angelology, the doctrine of man, sin and evil, and more. Volume two addresses the saving grace of God, the doctrine of Christ, including His deity, humanity, attributes, humiliation, exaltation, and offices, and the application of salvation, including saving faith, conversion, and justification by faith. Volume three addresses sanctification, good works, the Christian life, the means of grace, Law and Gospel, Baptism, the Lord's Supper, the Christian church, the public ministry, eternal election, and eschatology.

Loci Theologici

  • Author: Martin Chemnitz
  • Translator: J. A. O. Preus
  • Publisher: Concordia Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1989
  • Pages: 759

This extensive theological overview is a commentary on Melanchthon’s Loci Communes by the chief author of the Formula of Concord. Drawing on Lutheran tradition, Chemnitz explores all the major theological categories, as well as topics such as the Trinity, creation, revenge, poverty, grace and justification, mortal and venial sin, and Sacraments.

Two Natures in Christ

  • Author: Martin Chemnitz
  • Translator: J. A. O. Preus
  • Publication Date: 1971
  • Pages: 534

This is a translation of Chemnitz’s De Duabus Naturis in Christo, written in 1578. This book concerns the two natures of Christ (the divine and the human), their hypostatic union and the communication of their attributes and related questions. It shows that the Christology of the Lutheran reformers is that of Scripture, the ancient church fathers, and the creeds.

The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel

  • Author: C. F. W. Walther
  • Translator: W. H. T. Dau
  • Publication Date: 1929
  • Pages: 424

This book is made up of Walther’s Friday evening “Luther Hour” lectures at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis from September 1864 to November 1885. Most feel that this is his greatest contribution to the church.

Ministry, Word, and Sacraments

  • Author: Martin Chemnitz
  • Translator: Luther Poellot
  • Publication Date: 1981
  • Pages: 165

This is a translation of Chemnitz’s “little book” for pastors. It discusses the Word and Sacraments, ceremonies of the church, and conduct of ministers.

Church and Ministry

  • Author: C. F. W. Walther
  • Translator: J. T. Mueller
  • Publication Date: 1987
  • Pages: 363

This resource is a translation of Walther’s famous treatise on church and ministry which explains the theological foundation for congregation and pastoral office. Walther offers ten theses, supported from Scripture, the church’s confessions, and patristic and confessional writers.

Eucharist and Church Fellowship in the First Four Centuries

  • Author: Werner Elert
  • Translator: N. E. Nagel
  • Publication Date: 1966
  • Pages: 231

This book examines the nature of church fellowship in the early history of the church. It explores the vocabulary of fellowship in the Christian community and the evidence from agreement in the confession of the faith and church practice in the Lord’s Supper.

An Introduction to the Foundations of Lutheran Education

  • Author: William C. Rietschel
  • Publication Date: 2000

This text describes the distinctive Lutheran aspects of parochial education. It explores the historical context of Lutheran education by examining the events and ideas that have contributed to the development of formal educational endeavors within the LCMS.


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  1. Lauralee E. Hills
  2. Jacob Ryan Hercamp


Collection value: $1,349.69
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Starting at $39.98/mo at checkout