Lean In, Listen, and Let the Holy Spirit Guide You
Does God’s voice feel far away or even silent?
Are you familiar with the Trinity but unsure who the Holy Spirit is
or how He works?
Join Jenny Randle on a 31-day journey to greater intimacy with God.
This book is filled with information and practices that will help
you be mentored and guided by the Holy Spirit, listen to God speak
to you in various ways, overcome obstacles to hearing His voice,
and align what you are hearing with the truth of God's
You may not hear a choir of angels or have a chat with a burning
bush like Moses did, but you can learn to recognize and
respond to God’s voice in your everyday life. And when you do, your
days will be filled with amazing new possibilities and purpose. You
were made for this!
“I didn’t know what to expect when I first began reading Jenny
Randle’s book Getting to Know God’s Voice. To say I was more
than pleasantly surprised is a massive understatement. If you
hunger to hear the voice of the Spirit and grow deeper in your
intimacy with Jesus, this exceptionally well-crafted interactive
journey is an excellent place to start. Trust me, you will be
greatly blessed!”
—Sam Storms, author of Practicing the Power and pastor of
Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City
“Some people speak from encouragement, and some from experience.
Jenny is one of the few who speak effortlessly from both.
Getting to Know God’s Voice will have you feeling encouraged
to encounter a deeper understanding and walk with the Spirit of
God. The message in these pages is timeless and necessary for
anyone who seeks to not just know about God, but encounter Him
—Candace Payne, author, speaker, podcaster, viral
“Getting to Know God’s Voice tackles this topic with the
serious, gospel-centered approach it demands. It will stir you to
open your heart and ears to God in a fresh way.”
—Mark Schilling, pastor, Redeemer Church, Rome, New York
“Jenny has a way of creatively introducing the most
misunderstood person of the Trinity—the Holy Spirit. What makes
this message so powerful is that she does it in a way that shares
biblical truth while creating space for you to experience God in
the daily moments of life. As you read, you’ll find not only
freedom but also a firm foundation for your faith as you’re getting
to know God’s voice. Thank you, Jenny, for reminding us that God is
speaking and that we get to respond!”
—Alli Worthington, author of Fierce Faith and Breaking
“Some books strengthen your spirit; others develop your mind. In
Getting to Know God’s Voice, Jenny does both. You are about
to embrace one of the most life-changing and powerful gifts—the
Holy Spirit. This is a must-have book for anyone looking to
experience God’s presence."
—Roma Downey, Emmy®-nominated actress, producer,
and New York Times bestselling author
“Thank you, Jenny, for creating a complete sensory experience at
the point of divine access. A way for us to enter into the
heavenlies. A way for us to know the mind of Christ and step into
the supernatural realm with Him, where life is truly lived. I
couldn’t love and recommend this book more! Within 31 days of
reading, the mind of your heart will awaken to desires you once
thought deafened, numb, or lost forever. Jenny, thank you for
carving out a path to the voice of God. I will read this book over
and over again.”
—Kasey Van Norman, professional counselor, bestselling author,
Bible teacher
“God has always wanted to be close to us—to talk to, encourage,
comfort, lead, and love us. And there is no one who wants to help
us know Him and His voice more than Jenny Randle! She is a friend
we can trust who will not just tell us but actually show us how to
recognize God’s voice so we can experience His presence and power
in our everyday lives. My only regret is that younger me didn’t
have this resource when I was trying to figure it all out on my
—Renee Swope, bestselling author of A Confident Heart
Speaker, author, and Emmy®-winning video editor Jenny
Randle has served in ministry and worked in the
entertainment, publishing, and creative industries for more than
fifteen years. With her unique personal story and
creative-ninja-like ways, she inspires, encourages, and equips
others to understand their God-given identity and
Jenny and her husband, Matt, founded Freedom Creatives,
empowering creatives in the art of living a transformed life
in Christ. They live in upstate New York with their two kids, where
they enjoy strawberry gummies and spontaneous dance parties. For
more information or creative inspiration, visit