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Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity


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“This may be the most influential book you will read this year.” ―Lee Strobel, bestselling author of The Case for Miracles

A movement seeks to redefine Christianity. Some think that it is a much-needed progressive reformation. Others believe that it is an attack on historic Christianity.

Alisa Childers never thought she would question her Christian faith. She was raised in a Christian home, where she had seen her mom and dad feed the hungry, clothe the homeless, and love the outcast. She had witnessed God at work and then had dedicated her own life to leading worship, as part of the popular Christian band ZOEgirl. All that was deeply challenged when she met a progressive pastor, who called himself a hopeful agnostic.

Another Gospel? describes the intellectual journey Alisa took over several years as she wrestled with a series of questions that struck at the core of the Christian faith. After everything she had ever believed about God, Jesus, and the Bible had been picked apart, she found herself at the brink of despair . . . until God rescued her, helping her to rebuild her faith, one solid brick at a time. In this book, you’ll find:

  • A list of resources—including apologetics books, theology books, and podcasts—for additional study
  • Discussion questions to help you dig deeper or spark conversations
  • A sound biblical worldview mixed with personal stories from Alisa Childers, popular speaker and author of The Deconstruction of Christianity and Live Your Truth and Other Lies

In a culture of endless questions, you need solid answers. If you or someone you love has encountered the ideas of progressive Christianity and aren’t sure how to respond, Alisa’s journey will show you how to determine―and rest in―what’s unmistakably true.

Top Highlights

“I would later learn that biblical faith is trust—and that trust is based on good evidence.” (Page 50)

“In the context of faith, deconstruction is the process of systematically dissecting and often rejecting the beliefs you grew up with. Sometimes the Christian will deconstruct all the way into atheism. Some remain there, but others experience a reconstruction. But the type of faith they end up embracing almost never resembles the Christianity they formerly knew.[4] Traditional understandings of the Cross, the Bible, and the gospel get taken out with the trash.” (Page 24)

“But if we look at church history as a whole, every reformation was an attempt to get back to the earliest, most biblical, and most authentic version of Christianity. I think it’s time for another reformation. Not a reformation that progresses beyond historic Christianity. Not one that looks down on these early believers as less enlightened and more primitive in their understanding of God, but one that rediscovers the very definition of Christianity.” (Page 40)

“I learned that creeds became an important form of communication to keep those first-century believers on the same page. But these belief statements weren’t simply a list of doctrines Christians had to affirm to be ‘in.’ These were the convictions they lived and died for.” (Page 29)

“Without most of us even realizing it, much of the current evangelical culture has become a cult of personality” (Page 46)

Deconstructed faith stories are the new normal. We all know people who once seemed to be solid Christians but have walked away. Alisa’s story of her own reconstructed faith is a breath of fresh air. She shares her doubts and struggles and the journey God led her on to rediscover the solid Rock on which she stands. This excellent book is full of hope and sound reasons for faith in Jesus and God’s Word.

Is it possible to reconstruct faith after deconstruction? Using her own season of spiritual doubt as a backdrop, Alisa Childers explores the validity of Christianity—as well as the inefficacy of progressive Christianity—with precision, insight, and intellectual integrity. Another Gospel? is a needed and welcome book that reveals the ways historic Christianity can stand up to our doubts, concerns, and questions.

Another Gospel? is a timely, must-read book. Through the lens of her personal journey, Alisa Childers compares and contrasts the historic Christian gospel with the progressive “gospel.” Nothing is more important than accurately grasping the Good News of Christ and responding to challenges against it, which is why I am grateful for her courage and clarity.

Another Gospel? is one of the most important books of our time. It shows how progressive Christianity redefines the nature of God, the mission of Jesus, and the message of the gospel—while undermining the authority of Scripture. In these pages Alisa Childers exposes this dangerous movement and points us back to a biblical faith.

If someone shares their story of deconversion from Christianity or a revisionist approach to historic Christian teachings, they’ll be celebrated as authentic and find themselves trending on social media. But what about the people who look at the same evidence and decide to go deeper in their Christian faith? What I love about this truth-centered book is that Alisa shares her powerful journey of doubt on the way to a stronger faith. Readers will resonate with her honest wrestling with hard questions while at the same growing in their confidence because the answers Alisa shares are rooted in reality and Scripture. Contrary to what you may hear, you don’t need to revise or reject the gospel, the atonement of Jesus, or the Bible to find real joy, peace, and love. I hope every Christian reads Another Gospel? so they are not taken in by the false promises of progressive Christianity.

Alisa Childers has been where you may be now. She was that Christian hanging on the brink of deconversion until she found the truth—clearly explained and thoroughly defended with the facts. In Another Gospel? you’ll find someone who has not only shared your doubts and faced your challenges, but also who found rock-solid answers to her own legitimate questions and concerns. In a witty, winsome, yet completely transparent and authentic way, Childers offers the wisdom and insight of a person who has gone through the battle and not only survived, but won. If you’ve ever wondered deep inside, Is Christianity really true?; if you’ve ever agonized, God, are you there?, then Another Gospel? will be your lifeline—and God’s answer to your prayer.

I love this book! Alisa Childers takes you on a captivating journey from her unreflective conservative Christian faith to the cliff of another gospel and then back home to the true Jesus. Along the way, she deconstructs progressive Christianity with wit, insight, and easy-to-remember evidence. Another Gospel? will inoculate you from a temptation far more seductive than atheism. And it’s an enjoyable read too!

Podcaster Childers (Mama Bear) takes on the progressive Christianity establishment in this revealing work. She describes having an unquestioning belief in her Christian faith until a progressive pastor tested her by arguing persuasively against central Christian tenets. Childers ended up joining a small progressive discussion group, in which “every precious belief I held . . . was placed on an intellectual chopping block and hacked to pieces.” This “deconstruction” pushed her to examine historic Christianity, the virgin birth of Jesus, his resurrection, the Bible, atonement, and hell by “reading every apologetics and theology book I could get my hands on” and auditing seminary classes. Finally, she concluded the resurrection of Jesus happened, and he was not “simply a good teacher or wise man to imitate. . . . our only option is to do it [God’s] way or not at all.” Childers also notes her fundamentalist beliefs run counter to the ideas of popular progressive voices such as Rob Bell, Sarah Bessey, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and Rachel Held Evans. This impassioned work is sure to prompt debate among progressive and evangelical Christians alike.


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