Digital Logos Edition
A comprehensive study of Jesus’s parables that emphasizes personal reflection and application.
Jesus’s parables used familiar situations to convey deep spiritual truths in ways that are provocative and subversive of the status quo. Prayerfulness was pictured by a persistent widow. The joy of salvation in the homecoming of a lost son. Love of neighbor by a marginalized Samaritan. If we’re not careful, we can easily miss details in the parables that reveal their subtle meanings as well as their contemporary relevance.
Drawing on scholarship on the parables as well as theological, pastoral, and practical insights, Douglas Webster guides the reader through each of Jesus’s parables, pointing out the important nuances that allow us to understand them and be transformed by them. Reflection questions at the end of each chapter can be used for personal or group study, and an appendix for pastors provides guidance for preaching the parables. Pastors, Bible teachers, and serious students of Scripture will find this tour through Jesus’s parabolic teaching to be a feast for both the mind and the soul.
“For parents who follow Jesus, the core issue is not educating children for a successful career. It is not about raising them so that they are decent, law-abiding, drug-free, nice people. It is about parenting in such a way that our sons and daughters respond to the grace of God.” (Page 173)
“A Christian way of life and a pagan way of life cannot coexist in the same household, under the same roof, at least not for an extended period of time. Perhaps prodigals should move out, even if it means that they receive a portion of their inheritance!” (Page 182)
“We need to do a better job teaching our sons and daughters what it means to be resident aliens and chosen outsiders in a culture that does not practice Jesus’s kingdom ethic.” (Pages 182–183)
“Second, it is significant that the rebellious son had to leave his father’s presence to live as he pleased.” (Page 181)