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Dake's Annotated Reference Bible Notes

Digital Logos Edition

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The Dake Study Notes are the same notes found in Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. Written by Rev. Finis Jennings Dake (1902-1987) and first published in 1963, it is a monumental achievement, the product of over 100,000 hours of Bible study over 43 years. It includes over 35,000 notes and comments (more than any other study Bible), over 500,000 cross-references in the notes, summaries of interesting facts for each book, and thousands of references to Greek and Hebrew words. Unique to this software version are integrated Strong's reference numbers, which make it easy to instantly look up any Greek or Hebrew word mentioned in the notes. Throughout his writings, Rev. Dake was consistent in his interpretation. He took the Bible literally where at all possible, especially where statements of fact or history were concerned. If symbolic, figurative, or typical language was used, then he looked for the literal truth intended.

Top Highlights

“the two spies who brought back a true report and urged” (Numbers 13:6)

“we who are redeemed also suffer and wait for final redemption of the body” (Romans 8:23)

“stir up into flame the gift of God in his life (2Tim. 1:6; 1Tim. 4:14).” (2 Timothy 1:7)

“With the resurrection of Dorcas we have the ending of the first period of the Christian church. About 8 years had passed since Pentecost, during which time the gospel had been preached only to the Jews (Mt. 10:6; Jn. 1:11; Rom. 1:16). The church was founded by Jews and for Jews. The time had now arrived when God wanted to take the gospel to the Gentiles. He knew and predicted that the Jews would reject the gospel, so He planned to change administrations (Mt. 21:33–46). The conversion of Saul of Tarsus was in preparation for this change of religious programs.” (Acts 9:43)

“God allowed the Jews to become blind to spiritual things” (Isaiah 29:10)

  • Title: The Dake Annotated Reference Bible
  • Author: Finis Jennings Dake
  • Publisher: Dake Publishing
  • Print Publication Date: 1997
  • Logos Release Date: 2020
  • Era: era:Contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Bible. N.T. › Commentaries; Bible. O.T. › Commentaries; Study Bible Notes
  • Resource ID: LLS:WS_3FBEDCBDB63443639CAB7D72A39EBEC9
  • Resource Type: Study Bible
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-12T00:24:09Z


8 ratings

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  1. Harold Powell

    Harold Powell


  2. Steve Roberts

    Steve Roberts


  3. David Anfinrud
    I call this Study Bible "The Book of Lists" It helps me pay attention to what I am reading in a passage. Checking ou the lists found in Dake i sometimes have to reread a passage because I had missed something that was brought on in the List.
  4. Jeffery G. Carswell
  5. Bob



  6. José Antonio Ramos de Matos
  7. John Shales

    John Shales


  8. Josué Calvo

    Josué Calvo


    If you are familiar with the physical Bible, this is a perfect companion!
  9. Mark Pashalis

    Mark Pashalis


    Is this just the notes or the full reference bible (i.e. same as the physical "Dake's Annotated Reference Bible")? The physical study bible has LOTS of references, highlighting and bible marking symbols in the verse text. The product description only mentions the notes yet the title implies the entire reference bible. Dake's Annotated Reference Bible is an incredible study bible but only with the bible AND the notes.
  10. Neil



    Could someone explain to me what the difference is between this and "Dake's Topics"? Thank you.


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