Digital Logos Edition
The product of many years research, Edersheim's Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah is an "illustration" of the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Arranged chronologically as a series of episodes, Edersheim puts the events of Jesus' life and ministry as given in the gospel accounts into their historical, social, and cultural context, including extensive references to early Jewish and rabinnical sources. Contains nineteen appendixes dealing with such diverse topics as the date of the Nativity, the New Testament Psudepigrapha ("false writings") and Apocryphal gospels, and Jewish angelology and demonology.
“an expression so peculiar that it cannot be regarded as an interpolation,” (Volume 2, Page 53)
“At last Zacharias emerged to take his stand on the top of the steps which led from the Porch to the Court of the Priests, waiting to lead in the priestly benediction,c that preceded the daily meat-offering and the chant of the Psalms of praise, accompanied with joyous sound of music, as the drink-offering was poured out.” (Volume 1, Page 140)
“Still the great mass of the ten tribes was in the days of Christ, as in our own, lost to the Hebrew nation.” (Volume 1, Page 16)
“To be a priest, and married to the daughter of a priest, was supposed to convey twofold honour” (Volume 1, Page 135)
“There is much about those earlier Rabbis—Hillel, Gamaliel, and others—to attract us, and their spirit ofttimes sharply contrasts with the narrow bigotry, the self-glory, and the unspiritual externalism of their successors.” (Volume 1, Page 136)
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Ryan Whitaker
Mark Dietsch
Osvaldo Omar Mina
David J. Snow