Digital Logos Edition
In this volume, Rev. Alfred Edersheim provides insight into the land of Palestine during the time of Jesus—the landscape, persons, events, habits, modes of thinking, and practices of teaching and worship. The result of many years study, Sketches of Jewish Social Life sets the scene for Jesus' life and ministry through a series of topical essays on various aspects of Jewish culture as it existed in the first-century Roman province of Palestine.
“In the third and fourth centuries of our era they still taught, ‘He that dwelleth in Palestine is without sin.’” (Page 5)
“It seems of deepest significance, almost like the fulfilment of type, that those shepherds who first heard tidings of the Saviour’s birth, who first listened to angels’ praises, were watching flocks destined to be offered as sacrifices in the Temple.” (Page 80)
“To the pious Jew, on the contrary, the knowledge of God was everything; and to prepare for or impart that knowledge was the sum total, the sole object of his education.” (Page 124)
“‘Whoever is buried in the land of Israel, is as if he were buried under the altar,’” (Page 6)
“But, at any rate, the woman had, in case of betrothal or marriage, to give her own free and expressed consent, without which a union was invalid. Minors—in the case of girls up to twelve years and one day—might be betrothed or given away by their father. In that case, however, they had afterwards the right of insisting upon divorce.” (Pages 143–144)
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