Digital Logos Edition
F. W. Krummacher (1796-1868) was a prolific German writer and influential pastor during the evangelical awakening. Elijah the Tishbite is his most popular work. This collection of sermons was written to encourage those Christians who were living in a world where their traditional Christian faith was looked down upon by the post-Enlightenment leaders. The mind of the times, where rationalism was celebrated, cast a discouraging shadow over those who still believed in the supernatural and divine providence. Krummacher used Elijah's story to bring hope to those who have no logical or physical support in front of them. He challenges the reader to put their trust in God and be freed from fear and worthless distractions. It is in the difficult places that we are drawn back to Jesus and are put in a position to experience the might of Christ's power.
The file for this resource is currently an EPUB. When it ships, it will be a Logos edition.
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