Digital Logos Edition
This classic exposition on the Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson was first published as part of his work entitled, A Body of Practical Divinity, in 1692. This may be the most readable and important exposition of the Ten Commandments ever written, bringing out the meaning and application of each commandment with great depth and insight.
This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.
“[3] To have God to be a God to us, is to enter into solemn covenant with him, that he shall be our God.” (Page 50)
“To obey the law in a legal sense—to do all the law requires—no man can. Sin has cut the lock of original righteousness, where our strength lay; but, in a true gospel-sense, we may so obey the moral law as to find acceptance. This gospel obedience consists in a real endeavour to observe the whole moral law. ‘I have done thy commandments’ (Psalm 119:166); not, I have done all I should do, but I have done all I am able to do; and wherein my obedience comes short, I look up to the perfect righteousness and obedience of Christ, and hope for pardon through his blood. This is to obey the moral law evangelically; which, though it be not to satisfaction, yet it is to acceptation.” (Page 16)
“This commandment requires that we should also endeavour to preserve our own souls.” (Page 150)
“[5] To have God to be a God to us, is to fear him.” (Page 51)
“The moral law is unalterable; it remains still in force. Though the ceremonial and judicial laws are abrogated, the moral law delivered by God’s own mouth is of perpetual use in the church. It was written in tables of stone, to show its perpetuity.” (Pages 12–13)
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RJ Tabaco
Jimmy Wren
David Swinney