Digital Logos Edition
In Sparkling Gems From the Greek, author Rick Renner unearths a rich treasure trove of truths in his remarkable devotional. Drawing from an extensive study of both the English Bible and New Testament Greek, Renner illuminates 365 passages with more than 1,285 in-depth Greek word studies. Far from intellectualizing, he blends his solid instruction with practical applications and refreshing insights. Find challenge, reassurance, comfort, and reminders of God's abiding love and healing every day of the year. About the Author Rick Renner is a highly respected leader and teacher within the global Christian community. Rick first fell in love with the Greek New Testament when studying Journalism and Classical Greek at the University of Oklahoma. In the years that followed, he continued his extensive study of the Greek New Testament, later earning a Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry. With over 25 books published to date, Rick Renner has become known for his scholarly approach to the Greek language while he breaks down its components in such a way that the average reader can comprehend and absorb the depth of meaning it contains. After ministering widely throughout the United States for many years, Rick answered God's call in 1991 to move his family to the former Soviet Union and plunge into the heart of its newly emerging Church. Today Rick's television broadcast Good News with Rick Renner can be seen across the entire former USSR. He has also distributed hundreds of thousands of teaching audio and videotapes, and his best-selling books have been translated into Russian, Polish, French and German. In addition to pastoring two fast growing congregations, Moscow Good News Church in Russia and Kiev Good News Church in Ukraine, Rick is the founder of the Good News Association of Churches and Ministries, through which he assists and strengthens almost 800 churches throughout the former Soviet Union.
“The phrase ‘recompense of reward’ is from the Greek word misthapodosia, and it carries the idea of being reimbursed for an expense that a person has paid out of his own pocket in order to get his job done.” (Page 155)
“The word ‘faith’ is the Greek word pistis, which is the common New Testament word for faith. However, in this verse it conveys the idea of a person who is faithful, reliable, loyal, and steadfast. It pictures a person who is devoted, trustworthy, dependable, dedicated, constant, and unwavering. This, of course, is contrary to the flesh, which seeks to be lazy, uncommitted, undependable, and completely unreliable.” (Page 537)
“As a result of these hard times, many believers died for their faith. Others defected from the church and returned to the old temples to save their lives. And as if all these hardships and disappointments were not mountainous enough to deal with, Timothy also had to deal with serious internal problems of rebellion among some of the members of his church leadership!” (Page 553)
“The ‘sweat’ is the Greek word idros. The word ‘drops’ is the Greek word thrombos, a medical word that points to blood that is unusually thickly clotted. When these two words are joined, they depict a medical condition called hematidrosis—a condition that occurs only in individuals who are in a highly emotional state.” (Page 202)
“Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:6 that we shouldn’t waste our time, energy, or money or put too much thought into honoring individuals who don’t even care about what we are doing for them!” (Page 415)
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